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Whatever might have been be the basis for this dubious book, it must have been a question of the utmost importance and charm, as well as a deeply personal one. Testimony to that effect is the time in which it arose (in spite of which it arose), that disturbing era of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. While the thunderclap of the Battle of Worth was reverberating across Europe, the meditative lover of enigmas whose lot it was to father this book sat somewhere in a corner of the Alps, extremely reflective and perplexed (thus simultaneously very distressed and carefree) and wrote down his thoughts concerning the Greeks, the kernel of that odd and difficult book to which this later preface (or postscript) should be dedicated.
戴面具的狄奥尼索斯——尼采的悲剧观观察 如果我们透过尼采拗口难懂的阐述,而且观察到他大费周章地讨论多种审美艺术形式,那么我们就能懂得他为何要耗费如此多的笔墨于酒神和日神的表述上。希腊文明是欧洲文化的起点,可近代统领整个欧洲的基督教,却几乎建立在反希腊价值的...
评分首先说明一下,这篇不是读后感,充其量是读书笔记。近来越发觉得自己的记忆力衰退厉害(还年轻啊,咋整- -……),所以很有必要对自己的阅读作些札记,不然以后除了书名外,其余没准都忘个一干二净。而豆瓣的短评有万恶的字数限制,没辙,唯有以书评形式来记录吧。 接着说明的...
评分对《悲剧诞生于音乐精神》的阅读诞生于对一种金色的、太阳般光华的遥想。但在正午到来之前,黄昏就降临了,褐色的暮霭涂抹在天际,包裹着一团赤红的夕阳。尼采的书还能是什么颜色呢?“在所有的书写中我只爱其人以其血所写。以血作书:如是你将体会,血就是精神。” 不过,谈论...
评分从《悲剧的诞生》论古希腊悲剧人物的酒神本质 文/顾一心 引 言 《悲剧的诞生》是一部阐述尼采美学观点的关键著作。它从希腊文化中的日神(阿波罗Απολλων)与酒神(狄俄尼索斯Dionysus)两种基本倾向出发,揭示了希腊悲剧艺术产生的滥觞和基础。在尼采笔下,日神...
评分时隔半年重读尼采的《悲剧的诞生》,不同于当初刚接触哲学时的一片茫然,在对尼采有着一定的阅读后再读尼采的处女作,感受到的与之前相比多了许多。虽然尼采在后期将《悲剧的诞生》视为极不成熟之作,但其讨论终生的母题已在此出现—克服虚无。 在西方,自现代性伊始,人本与理...
The Birth of Tragedy 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024