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The Spy and the Traitor

Ben Macintyre 作者
Random House Large Print Publishing
2018-9-18 出版日期
608 頁數
GBP 23.58 價格
9781984841537 圖書編碼

The Spy and the Traitor 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 冷戰  曆史  非虛構  間諜  Espionage  英文  Spy  英國文學   

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這幾年讀過的最佳紀實文學。文藝青年棄暗投明攪局大國博弈。主角兩任夫人,MI6營救行動策劃人,兩個大使夫人,還有撒切爾夫人壓陣,女性角色完全占據多半邊天。現在美劇英劇這大女主形勢下,BBC, HBO還不趕緊翻拍嗎?


後半部分讀得停不下來 精彩過所有007/勒卡雷

The Spy and the Traitor 在線電子書 著者簡介

Ben Macintyre is a writer-at-large for The Times of London and the bestselling author of A Spy Among Friends, Double Cross, Operation Mincemeat, Agent Zigzag, and Rogue Heroes, among other books. Macintyre has also written and presented BBC documentaries of his work.

The Spy and the Traitor 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Spy and the Traitor 在線電子書 圖書描述


“The best true spy story I have ever read.”—JOHN LE CARRÉ

The celebrated author of Double Cross and Rogue Heroes returns with his greatest spy story yet, a thrilling Americans-era tale of Oleg Gordievsky, the Russian whose secret work helped hasten the end of the Cold War.

If anyone could be considered a Russian counterpart to the infamous British double-agent Kim Philby, it was Oleg Gordievsky. The son of two KGB agents and the product of the best Soviet institutions, the savvy, sophisticated Gordievsky grew to see his nation's communism as both criminal and philistine. He took his first posting for Russian intelligence in 1968 and eventually became the Soviet Union's top man in London, but from 1973 on he was secretly working for MI6. For nearly a decade, as the Cold War reached its twilight, Gordievsky helped the West turn the tables on the KGB, exposing Russian spies and helping to foil countless intelligence plots, as the Soviet leadership grew increasingly paranoid at the United States's nuclear first-strike capabilities and brought the world closer to the brink of war. Desperate to keep the circle of trust close, MI6 never revealed Gordievsky's name to its counterparts in the CIA, which in turn grew obsessed with figuring out the identity of Britain's obviously top-level source. Their obsession ultimately doomed Gordievsky: the CIA officer assigned to identify him was none other than Aldrich Ames, the man who would become infamous for secretly spying for the Soviets.

Unfolding the delicious three-way gamesmanship between America, Britain, and the Soviet Union, and culminating in the gripping cinematic beat-by-beat of Gordievsky's nail-biting escape from Moscow in 1985, Ben Macintyre's latest may be his best yet. Like the greatest novels of John le Carré, it brings readers deep into a world of treachery and betrayal, where the lines bleed between the personal and the professional, and one man's hatred of communism had the power to change the future of nations.

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The Spy and the Traitor 在線電子書 讀後感


撰文:Xan Smiley 翻译:陶小路 《东方历史评论》微信公号:ohistory 冷战时期的双重间谍 “我读过的最优秀的真实间谍故事,”著名间谍小说家约翰·勒·卡雷(John LeCarré)对本·麦金太尔(Ben Macintyre)的《间谍与叛徒》(The Spy and the Traitor)这样评价道。这本书讲...


撰文:Xan Smiley 翻译:陶小路 《东方历史评论》微信公号:ohistory 冷战时期的双重间谍 “我读过的最优秀的真实间谍故事,”著名间谍小说家约翰·勒·卡雷(John LeCarré)对本·麦金太尔(Ben Macintyre)的《间谍与叛徒》(The Spy and the Traitor)这样评价道。这本书讲...


撰文:Xan Smiley 翻译:陶小路 《东方历史评论》微信公号:ohistory 冷战时期的双重间谍 “我读过的最优秀的真实间谍故事,”著名间谍小说家约翰·勒·卡雷(John LeCarré)对本·麦金太尔(Ben Macintyre)的《间谍与叛徒》(The Spy and the Traitor)这样评价道。这本书讲...


撰文:Xan Smiley 翻译:陶小路 《东方历史评论》微信公号:ohistory 冷战时期的双重间谍 “我读过的最优秀的真实间谍故事,”著名间谍小说家约翰·勒·卡雷(John LeCarré)对本·麦金太尔(Ben Macintyre)的《间谍与叛徒》(The Spy and the Traitor)这样评价道。这本书讲...


撰文:Xan Smiley 翻译:陶小路 《东方历史评论》微信公号:ohistory 冷战时期的双重间谍 “我读过的最优秀的真实间谍故事,”著名间谍小说家约翰·勒·卡雷(John LeCarré)对本·麦金太尔(Ben Macintyre)的《间谍与叛徒》(The Spy and the Traitor)这样评价道。这本书讲...

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