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The Manhattan Nobody Knows

William B. Helmreich 作者
Princeton University Press
2018-11-20 出版日期
376 頁數
GBP 20.00 價格
9780691166995 圖書編碼

The Manhattan Nobody Knows 在線電子書 圖書標籤: NYC  社會學  紐約  Geography  英文原版  待獲取  york  new   

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The Manhattan Nobody Knows 在線電子書 著者簡介

William B. Helmreich is the author of many books, including The Brooklyn Nobody Knows: An Urban Walking Guide and The New York Nobody Knows, which won the Guides Association of New York Award for Outstanding Achievement in Book Writing. He is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the City College of New York's Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership and at CUNY Graduate Center.

The Manhattan Nobody Knows 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Manhattan Nobody Knows 在線電子書 圖書描述

A unique walking guide to Manhattan, from the author of The New York Nobody Knows

Bill Helmreich walked every block of New York City--six-thousand miles in all--to write the award-winning The New York Nobody Knows. Now he has re-walked most of Manhattan--721 miles--to write this new, one-of-a-kind walking guide to the heart of one of the world's greatest cities. Drawing on hundreds of conversations he had with residents during his block-by-block journey, The Manhattan Nobody Knows captures the unique magic and excitement of the island and highlights hundreds of facts, places, and points of interest that you won't find in any other guide.

The guide covers every one of Manhattan's thirty-one distinct neighborhoods, from Marble Hill to the Financial District, providing a colorful portrait of each area's most interesting, unusual, and unfamiliar people, places, and things. Along the way you'll be introduced to an elderly Inwood man who lives in a cave; a Greenwich Village townhouse where Weathermen terrorists set up a bomb factory; a Harlem apartment building whose residents included W.E.B. DuBois and Thurgood Marshall; a tiny community garden attached to the Lincoln Tunnel; a Washington Heights pizza joint that sells some of the biggest slices in town; the story behind the "Birdman" of Washington Square Park; and much, much more. An unforgettably vivid chronicle of today's Manhattan, the book can also be enjoyed without ever leaving home--but it's almost guaranteed to inspire you to get out and explore this fascinating metropolis.

Covers every one of Manhattan's neighborhoods, providing a colorful portrait of their most interesting, unusual, and unfamiliar people, places, and things

Each neighborhood section features a brief overview and history; a detailed, user-friendly map keyed to the text; and a lively guided walking tour

Draws on the author's 721-mile walk through every Manhattan neighborhood

Includes insights from conversations with hundreds of residents

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