Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

Curtis P. Haugtvedt 作者
2008-02-08 出版日期
1280 頁數
USD 90.00 價格
9780805856033 圖書編碼

Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 圖書標籤: CB  psychology  戰略  心理書籍  textbook  sociology  soc  psych   

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Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 epub 下載 pdf 下載 mobi 下載 txt 下載 2025

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Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 著者簡介

Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) 在線電子書 圖書描述

About the Book

This Handbook contains a unique collection of chapters written by the world's leading researchers in the dynamic field of consumer psychology. Although these researchers are housed in different academic departments (ie. marketing, psychology, advertising, communications) all have the common goal of attaining a better scientific understanding of cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to products and services, the marketing of these products and services, and societal and ethical concerns associated with marketing processes. Consumer psychology is a discipline at the interface of marketing, advertising and psychology. The research in this area focuses on fundamental psychological processes as well as on issues associated with the use of theoretical principles in applied contexts.

The Handbook presents state-of-the-art research as well as providing a place for authors to put forward suggestions for future research and practice. The Handbook is most appropriate for graduate level courses in marketing, psychology, communications, consumer behavior and advertising.

Table of Contents

Introduction. D.W. Schumann, C.P. Haugtvedt, E. Davidson, History of Consumer Psychology. Part 1. Consumer Information Processing. R.W. Wyer, The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Cognition and Behavior: Implications for Consumer Information Processing. A. Kronlund, B. Whittlesea, C. Yoon, Consumer Memory, Fluency, and Familiarity. W. Hutchinson, E. Eisenstein, Consumer Learning and Expertise. B. Loken, L. Barsalou, C. Joiner, Categorization Theory and Research in Consumer Psychology: Category Representation and Category-Based Inference. F. Kardes, M.L. Cronley, S. Posavac, P. Herr, Consumer Inference. J. Peck, T.L. Childers, Effects of Sensory Factors on Consumer Behavior. D. Roedder John, Stages of Consumer Socialization: The Development of Consumer Knowledge, Skills, and Values from Childhood to Adolescence. C. Yoon, C. Cole, Older Consumers and Information Processing. Part 2. Motivation, Affect, and Consumer Decisions. A. Isen, Positive Affect and Decision Processes: Some Recent Theoretical Developments with Practical Implications. J. Cohen, M. Pham, E. Andrade, The Nature and Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior. K. Vohs, R. Baumeister, D. Tice, Self-Regulation: Goals, Consumption, and Choices. H. Baumgartner, R. Pieters, Goal-Directed Consumer Behavior: Motivation, Volition, and Affect. C. Janiszewski, Goal-Directed Perception. Part 3. Persuasion, Attitudes, and Social Influence. C.P. Haugtvedt, J.A. Kasmer, Attitude Change and Persuasion. C. Jones, R. Fazio, Associative Strength. A.

Perkins, M. Forehand, D. Maison, A. Greenwald, Measuring the Nonconscious:

Implicit Social Cognition and Consumer Behavior. P. Vargas, Implicit Consumer Cognition. P. Petrova, R. Cialdini, Evoking the Imagination as a Strategy of Influence. I. Aizen, Consumer Attitudes and Behavior. M. Campbell, A, Kirmani, The Persuasion Knowledge Model in Consumer Research. L. Kahle, G. Xie, Social Values in Consumer Psychology. J.R. Bettman, M.F. Luce, J.W. Payne, Consumer Decision Making: A Choice Goals Approach. A. Fishbach, R. Dhar, Dynamics of Goal-Based Choice: Toward an Understanding of How Goals Commit verses Liberate Choice. C. Hsee, Hedonomics in Consumer Behavior. M. Wenjing Liu, D. Soman, Behavioral Pricing.

J.E. Heyman, B. Mellers, Perceptions of Fair Pricing. S. van Osselaer, Associative Learning and Consumer Decisions. Part 4. Products, Preferences, Places, and People. J. Heogg, J. Alba, A Role of Aesthetics in Consumer Psychology. S. Broniarczyk, Product Assortment and Consumer Psychology. C. Allen, S. Fournier, F. Miller, Brands and Their Meaning Makers. S. Eroglu, K. Machleit, Theory in Consumer-Environment Research: Diagnosis and Prognosis. J. Kellaris, Music and Consumers. R. Madrigal, V. Dalakas, Consumer Psychology of Sport: More Than Just a Game. J. Williams, W.N. Lee, G. Henderson, Diversity Issues in Consumer Psychology. Part 5. Consumer Well-Being. E. Borgida, A. Kim, E.N. Stark, C. Miller, Consumers and the Allure of “Safer” Tobacco Products: Scientific and Policy Issues. M. Goldberg, Assessing the Relationships between Tobacco Advertising and Promotion and Adolescent Smoking Behavior: Convergent Evidence. A. Stukas, M. Synder, E.G. Clary, The Social Marketing of Volunteerism: A Functional Approach. G. Menon, P. Ragibur, N. Agrawal, Health Risk Perceptions and Consumer Psychology. J. Burroughs, P. Moreau, D. Mick, Toward a Psychology of Consumer Creativity. R. Faber, T. O’Guinn, Compulsive Consumption: Review and Reflection. A. Duhachek, Summing Up the State of Coping Research: Prospects and Prescriptions for Consumer Research. Part 6. Advances in Research Methods. K. Weaver, N. Schwarz, Self Reports in Consumer Research. S. Shavitt, A.Y. Lee, T.P. Johnson, Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology. M. Viswanathan, Measurement Error in Experimental Design in Consumer Psychology. C.P. Haugtvedt, K. Liu, K.S. Min, Individual Differences: Tools for Theory Testing and Understanding in Consumer Psychology Research. G. Egidi, H. Nusbaum, J. Cacioppo, Neuroeconomics: Foundational Issues and Relevance to Consumer Research.

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