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Mirrors in the Brain

Giacomo Rizzolatti 作者
Oxford University Press, USA
Frances Anderson 譯者
2008-2-13 出版日期
200 頁數
USD 49.95 價格
9780199217984 圖書編碼

Mirrors in the Brain 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 認知神經科學  心理學  語言/符號/認知  鏡像神經元  共情  toc鏡像神經元  Cognition   

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Mirrors in the Brain 在線電子書 用戶評價


最近在跟著這本書學神經係統。這本書開篇先介紹的運動神經係統,介紹大腦的各個腦區負責的高級認知功能。我畫腦圖花上癮,真的令人興奮(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 讀完瞭!很多乾貨(不能完全消化),參考文獻占全文30%,真的給作者膝蓋。


最近在跟著這本書學神經係統。這本書開篇先介紹的運動神經係統,介紹大腦的各個腦區負責的高級認知功能。我畫腦圖花上癮,真的令人興奮(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 讀完瞭!很多乾貨(不能完全消化),參考文獻占全文30%,真的給作者膝蓋。


最近在跟著這本書學神經係統。這本書開篇先介紹的運動神經係統,介紹大腦的各個腦區負責的高級認知功能。我畫腦圖花上癮,真的令人興奮(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 讀完瞭!很多乾貨(不能完全消化),參考文獻占全文30%,真的給作者膝蓋。


最近在跟著這本書學神經係統。這本書開篇先介紹的運動神經係統,介紹大腦的各個腦區負責的高級認知功能。我畫腦圖花上癮,真的令人興奮(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 讀完瞭!很多乾貨(不能完全消化),參考文獻占全文30%,真的給作者膝蓋。


最近在跟著這本書學神經係統。這本書開篇先介紹的運動神經係統,介紹大腦的各個腦區負責的高級認知功能。我畫腦圖花上癮,真的令人興奮(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 讀完瞭!很多乾貨(不能完全消化),參考文獻占全文30%,真的給作者膝蓋。

Mirrors in the Brain 在線電子書 著者簡介

Mirrors in the Brain 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Mirrors in the Brain 在線電子書 圖書描述

Emotions and actions are powerfully contagious; when we see someone laugh, cry, show disgust, or experience pain, in some sense, we share that emotion. When we see someone in distress, we share that distress. When we see a great actor, musician or sportsperson perform at the peak of their abilities, it can feel like we are experiencing just something of what they are experiencing. Yet only recently, with the discover of mirror neurons, has it become clear just how this powerful sharing of experience is realised within the human brain. This book provides, for the first time, a systematic overview of mirror neurons, written by the man who first discovered them. In the early 1990's Giacomo Rizzolatti and his co-workers at the University of Parma discovered that some neurons had a surprising property. They responded not only when a subject performed a given action, but also when the subject oberved someone else performing that same action. These results had a deep impact on cognitive neuroscience, leading the neuroscientist VS Ramachandran to predict that 'mirror neurons would do for psychology what DNA did for biology'.The unexpected properties of these neurons have not only attracted the attention of neuroscientists. Many sociologists, anthropologists, and even artists have been fascinated by mirror neurons. The director and playwright Peter Brook stated that mirror neurons throw new light on the mysterious link that is created each time actors take the stage and face their audience - the sight of a great actor performing activates in the brain of the observer the very same areas that are active in the performer - including both their actions and their emotions. Written in a highly accessible style, that conveys something of the excitement of this groundbreaking theory, Mirrors in the brain is the definitive account of one the major scientific discoveries of the past 50 years.

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