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Marjane Satrapi 作者
2008-3-6 出版日期
352 頁數
GBP 9.99 價格
9780099523994 圖書編碼

Persepolis 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 伊朗  漫畫  繪本  自傳  英文原版  傳記  persepolis  MarjaneSatrapi   

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Persepolis 在線電子書 用戶評價


Multiculturalism./ Do not believe in a single story./ Symbols and Ironies./ A Graphic novel which is being challenged, even forbidden in Chicago.


Multiculturalism./ Do not believe in a single story./ Symbols and Ironies./ A Graphic novel which is being challenged, even forbidden in Chicago.






Multiculturalism./ Do not believe in a single story./ Symbols and Ironies./ A Graphic novel which is being challenged, even forbidden in Chicago.

Persepolis 在線電子書 著者簡介

Marjane Satrapi (Persian: مرجان ساتراپی) is an Iranian-born French contemporary graphic novellist, illustrator, animated film director, and children's book author. Apart from her native tongue Persian, she speaks English, Swedish, German, French and Italian.

Satrapi grew up in Tehran in a family which was involved with communist and socialist movements in Iran prior to the Iranian Revolution. She attended the Lycée Français there and witnessed, as a child, the growing suppression of civil liberties and the everyday-life consequences of Iranian politics, including the fall of the Shah, the early regime of Ruhollah Khomeini, and the first years of the Iran-Iraq War. She experienced an Iraqi air raid and Scud missile attacks on Tehran. According to Persepolis, one Scud hit the house next to hers, killing her friend and entire family.

Satrapi's family are of distant Iranian Azeri ancestry and are descendants of Nasser al-Din Shah, Shah of Persia from 1848 until 1896. Satrapi said that "But you have to know the kings of the Qajar dynasty, they had hundreds of wives. They made thousands of kids. If you multiply these kids by generation you have, I don't know, 10-15,000 princes [and princesses]. There's nothing extremely special about that." She added that due to this detail, most Iranian families would be, in the words of Simon Hattenstone of The Guardian, "blue blooded."

In 1983, at the age of 14 Satrapi was sent to Vienna, Austria by her parents in order to flee the Iranian regime. There she attended the Lycée Français de Vienne. According to her autobiographical graphic novel, Persepolis, she stayed in Vienna through her high school years, staying in friends' homes, but spent three months living on the streets. After an almost deadly bout of pneumonia, she returned to Iran. She studied Visual Communication, eventually obtaining a Master's Degree from Islamic Azad University in Tehran.

During this time, Satrapi went to numerous illegal parties hosted by her friends, where she met a man named Reza, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq War. She married him at the age of 21, but divorced roughly three years later. Satrapi then moved to Strasbourg, France.

Persepolis 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Persepolis 在線電子書 圖書描述

Here, in one volume: Marjane Satrapi's best-selling, internationally acclaimed graphic memoir.

Persepolis is the story of Satrapi's unforgettable childhood and coming of age within a large and loving family in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution; of the contradictions between private life and public life in a country plagued by political upheaval; of her high school years in Vienna facing the trials of adolescence far from her family; of her homecoming--both sweet and terrible; and, finally, of her self-imposed exile from her beloved homeland. It is the chronicle of a girlhood and adolescence at once outrageous and familiar, a young life entwined with the history of her country yet filled with the universal trials and joys of growing up.

Edgy, searingly observant, and candid, often heartbreaking but threaded throughout with raw humor and hard-earned wisdom--Persepolis is a stunning work from one of the most highly regarded, singularly talented graphic artists at work today.

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Persepolis 在線電子書 讀後感


“A diamond is forever”, the memorable tagline for De Beers’ Diamonds may have been the most celebrated advertising slogan during the past few decades. If we describe the literary classics and the philosophical treatises as the lasting glittering diamonds...  


今天中午入手了玛赞小姐的《我在伊朗长大》四部曲,出乎意外的好。 之前看杂志上的评论,说这是一部深刻的揭露伊朗现状的作品,于是是充满了对国际关系的职业(?)敏感去看的,但是看完以后发现这些冠冕堂皇的评论某种程度上忽略了玛赞本人的女性身份,或者说年轻女性身份...  



内容简介让我有了错觉,以为是讲述伊朗国家的别册,漫画风格是西方的报纸形式,简单的对话都是经历了真正的生活才能大声说出的阴暗真实。 战争下的成长,一个人在外感觉的委屈让成年人看了暗暗回想自己的往事,又忍不住指责这个不懂得父母辛苦的小姑娘。 我们的祖国没有战乱,...


“A diamond is forever”, the memorable tagline for De Beers’ Diamonds may have been the most celebrated advertising slogan during the past few decades. If we describe the literary classics and the philosophical treatises as the lasting glittering diamonds...  

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