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The Little Stranger

[英] 薩拉·沃特斯 作者
Virago Press Ltd
2009-5-28 出版日期
512 頁數
GBP 16.99 價格
9781844086016 圖書編碼

The Little Stranger 在線電子書 圖書標籤: SarahWaters  英國  懸疑  小說  英文原版  Sarah_Waters  Waters  Sarah   

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不知道電影改編後的會不會更好看? 哥特神秘主義,最後也不解開謎底之類,就是一傢子貴族神神叨叨。可憐的醫生, 書裏為數不多的正常人,闖入這傢人生活, 愛上瞭Caroline, 打算結婚,結果貴族小姐根本不在乎她, 鬼上身一樣, 神神叨叨,精神飄忽不定。 鬼宅都不怎麼開窗子, 隻有醫生來,會打開下,通風, 一個接一個去世。所謂的little stranger 是 鬼宅的陰影吧和 心魔 。但是也沒怎麼描述有什麼鬼魂之類的,就是刻意一驚一乍啊, 老太太說的不著邊際的話, 女兒神神叨叨, 僕人倒是挺可愛的,還有個已經瘋癲的哥哥。Dr.Faraday對這傢的迷戀應該還是有對資産階級的眷戀吧,鬼宅似乎也對他起瞭作用,這麼迷戀女主,帶她走。 原來作者以前是寫 The fingersmith的 OMG




我覺得這是一個描述雙重人格的故事啊。。。The Ayres一傢真是倒瞭八輩子黴瞭。


莊園裏那些慢慢浮齣水麵的陰謀,幽深的秘密和神秘事件,花瞭整整一周內每晚的前半夜,不願意潦草地去翻開它,拉嚴瞭窗簾擰亮床頭暗燈,就像在讀賽特菲爾德的《the 13th tale》,又像是《Rebecca》讀到末尾,她是謎一樣的幽靈,熊熊火光中的曼德麗莊園,Joan Fontaine在《Jane Eyre》最後聽見燃燒的大宅裏閣樓上從未齣現的女人瘋癲刺耳的尖笑。所有的謎底都在最後揭曉,而Sarah Waters卻留下一個不算詭怖卻蒼涼的結尾,中段的篇章那麼陰森神秘,可最後 sarah似乎留下瞭一個永遠的謎。

The Little Stranger 在線電子書 著者簡介

Sarah Waters, 35, was born in Pembrokeshire, South West Wales, United Kingdom. She studied English Literature at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, at the universities of Kent and Lancaster. As a student she lived for two years in Whitstable, the sea-side town—famous for its oysters—in which her first novel, Tipping the Velvet, is partly set. In 1988 she moved to London; her first full-time job was in an independent bookshop; later she worked in public libraries. In 1991 she decided to return to postgraduate study, and she spent the next three years writing a Ph.D. thesis, on lesbian and gay historical fiction. She developed a daily writing routine, and a passion for language and composition. She had articles on gender, sexuality, and history published in various scholarly journals, including Feminist Review, Journal of the History of Sexuality, and Science as Culture.

But while working on her thesis, and becoming increasingly interested in London life of the nineteenth century, Waters began to conceive the historical novel that would become Tipping the Velvet. With the thesis complete, and supporting herself with bits of teaching and part-time library work, she started to write. The novel was finished in just over a year, and was published in the U.K. by Virago (1998) and in the U.S. by Riverhead (1999). The BBC is in the process of adapting the book into a major series with director Andrew Davies, who also directed the BBC’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Anthony Trollope’s The Way We Live Now.

By 1991, Waters had already begun her second novel, Affinity. This was completed with help from a London Arts Board New London Writers Award, and appeared in the U.K. in 1999 and in the U.S. in 2000. Waters taught for a time for the Open University, a national educational institution offering undergraduate schooling to mature students from a range of social backgrounds. She has also tutored on creative writing programs. She published articles on literature as recently as 1999, but now devotes herself full time to the writing of fiction. Her third novel, Fingersmith, was completed in 2001, and she is currently at work on her next book. She still lives in London, a city she finds endlessly inspiring; but she dreams, too, of returning to a life by the sea.

Sarah Waters made the Granta list for 2003.

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The Little Stranger 在線電子書 圖書描述

After her award-winning trilogy of Victorian novels, Sarah Waters turned to the 1940s and wrote THE NIGHT WATCH, a tender and tragic novel set against the backdrop of wartime Britain. Shortlisted for both the Orange and the Man Booker, it went straight to number one in the bestseller chart. In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house, once grand and handsome, is now in decline, its masonry crumbling, its gardens choked with weeds, the clock in its stable yard permanently fixed at twenty to nine. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life? Little does Dr Faraday know how closely, and how terrifyingly, their story is about to become entwined with his. Prepare yourself. From this wonderful writer who continues to astonish us, now comes a chilling ghost story.

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The Little Stranger 在線電子書 讀後感


在看到终局后,又回头重看第一章,才发现看第一遍时错过的东西露出了它应有之意。 “第一次看到百厦庄园时,我十岁。” “我能清楚忆起的是这座房子,是它吸引了我。我记得那些正在老去的、精美的建筑细部:红色旧砖、绉纹窗玻璃和风化的砂岩饰边。这座房子的外表模糊不清,...  




1947年的英国,战后。整个欧洲都被战争所创,日不落帝国的米字旗终于缓缓落下。人们既无力挽救昔日的辉煌,也无法面对悲观的未来。旧世纪的幽灵还在昔日堂皇的庄园中回响,而已经落魄的贵族们还在竭尽全力维持他们最后的一点荣光。英国女作家萨拉•沃特斯(Sarah Waters)的...  




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