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Cases in International Marketing

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840.00元 價格
9780130374745 圖書編碼

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Cases in International Marketing 在線電子書 圖書描述

Since oul first edition was published in 1986, the world of business has changed in ways many

of us would not have believed possible. With the collapse of the cmnmunist regimes in Eastern

Europe, a vast part of the world has been opened up to international business, and marketing

in particular. The boom of developing economies in tile Asia Pacific Basin has opened up new

frontiers. Not only has Japan established itself as one of the strongest economies in the world,

but other Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapoce, Thailand, Indonesia, and

India are developing rapidly. Economic, business, and marketing activities of international firms

have globalized in such a way that the international marketing landscape has completely

changed. With such sweeping changes, it should only be normal to expect that our new edition

is completely revamped.

We have retained our first edition the features of a selective amount of text in the form

of sfimt section introductions and, of course, a collection of attractive, current, real-life cases.

This book is still intended as an accompanying book for classes in international or global mar-

keting. We hope that soine teachers will find the text fi- atures sufficient to provide a fi-amework

fbr students without access to fifll-fledged textbooks. The eases are hroad enough that they may

also serve to suppleinent regular inarketing strategy classes that are in need of international ma-


While some features have been retained, it should be pointed out that this is an entirely

new book. All cases included arc new, with none held over fl-om the first edition. The number

of cases has been signifcantly increased, providing greater flexibiliu, to the instructor. The cases

have been grouped into several specific areas of concerns, or challenges, which make it also dif-

ti~rent fi om the typical international case book and from our first edition. In particular, the new

regional focus on Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, and developing countries with correspond-

ing short cases allows students access to contemporary international marketing problems. The

cases continue to cover different industries, countries, and complexities, allowing the inslrue

for to tailor tile case selection to the skill, interest, and experience of the audience.

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