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Appleton and Langes Review for Flex

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Introduction<br >Appleton & Lange s Review for FLEX is a comprehensive signed to give you practice and feedback with clinical<br >review resource with 1,000 FLEX-type multiple choice competence questions and PMPs, respectively. In these<br >questions and 13 patient management problems (PMPs) chapters, in addition to supplementing your clinical re-<br >with referenced, paragraph-length discussions of each an- view, you will also be practicing the technique of taking<br >swer. In addition, the last 250 questions and 3 PMPs have these complex and challenging methods of examination.<br >been set aside as a Practice Test for self-assessment pur- The fifth chapter is the Practice Test.<br >poses. All of the sections in this book (except for the PMPs)<br > are organized in the following order:<br >ORGANIZATION OF THIS BOOK I. Questions<br > 2. Answers, explanations, and references<br > 3. Bibliography<br > This book is organized to cover sequentially each of the<br > 4. Subspecialty list<br > thirteen basic and clinical science areas specified by the<br > Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States These sections are discussed below in terms of what<br > (the Federation). These areas are anatomy, physiology, they contain and how you can use them in the most effec-<br > biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, rive manner.<br > and behavioral sciences (basic sciences, 300 questions to-<br > tal), and obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal Questions<br > medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and preventive medicine Each section of this book contains only multiple-choice<br > (clinical sciences, 300 questions total). In addition, the questions (or "items," in testing parlance). In general,<br > book contains a 150-question clinical competence review about 50 percent of these are "one best answer-single<br > chapter, which is designed to assess your ability to use item" questions, 30 percent are "multiple true-false<br > your acquired medical knowledge to solve a variety of items," I0 percent are "one best answer-matching sets,"<br > problems in the six clinical areas described above. The and I0 percent are "comparison/matching set" questions.<br > fourth chapter of this book consists of I0 PMPs, which are In some cases, a group of two or three questions may be<br > designed to test your abilities in a simulated clinical situ- related to a situational theme. In addition, some questions<br > ation, using the accompanying latent-image marker and have illustrative material (graphs, x-rays, tables) that<br > booklet. The last chapter is a 250-question, 3-PMP Prac- require understanding and interpret~atiota on your part.<br > rice Test, which covers all of the areas in the earlier Moreover, questions may be of thcee~,i~: ~f ~lifficulty:<br > review sections. (1) rote memory question, (2) mem0~0~ that re-<br > Appleton & Lange s Review for FLEX is divided into quires more unders~nding Of~-:.~e pro~:~8~bl ~3) a ques-<br > five chapters, each of which is designed to maximally tion that requires ltnder~~~t: In view of<br > enhance your review. The first two chapters are designed the fact that the Fed@~ ~ ~~"~ward the judg-<br > to enable you to identify areas of weakness by discipline ment question sad awa~~~ .~mory question,<br > and subspecialty in the basic sciences and clinical sci- it is the judgment:queStl~~ ~ ~ empha-<br > ences, respectively. Because all of the anatomy questions size throughout this textual lye/~" of the items are<br > and answers are followed by all of the physiology, then stated in the negative. In such instan~ees, we have printed<br > biochemistry, etc., you can determine if you need to spend the negative word in capital letters (e.g., "All of the follow-<br > extra time reviewing an entire area (say, pathology) and/ ing are correct EXCEPT;" "Which of the following choices<br > or a specific subspecialty of others (say, virology and pedi- is NOT correct;" and qb hich of the following is LEAST<br > atric oncology~. The third and fourth chapters are de- correct").<br >

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