Soviet Union 在线电子书 图书标签:
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I<br > Editor s Preface<br > The study of Marxist regimes has for mauy ycars been equated with the<br > study of communist political systems. There were several historical aud<br > methodological reasons Ibr this.<br > For many years it was not diflqeuh to distinguish the eight regimes<br > in Eastern Europe and four i~ Asia which resoundingly claimed ad-<br > herence to the tenets of Marxism and more particularly to their Soviet<br > interpretation-Marxism-Leninism. These regimes, variously called<br > People s l(el~ublic , People s Democratic P, epublic , or q)emocratic<br > Republic , Claimed to have derived their iuspiration fi:om the Soviet<br > ~U/lioil to which, indeed, iu tile overwhehning number of cases they<br > owed their establishment.<br >~ To,many sdmlars and analysts these regimes represented a multipli-<br > catioll of and geographical extension of the Soviet model and co1~se-<br > quontly.of d~e Soviet sphere of influence. Although there were clearly<br >i substan.dal similarities between tile Soviet Union and the<br > people s<br > democracies, especially in ~lie initial phases of their development, these<br > were often overstressed at the expense of noticing the differences<br > between these political systems.<br >! It took a few yc-ars for scholars to realize that generalizing the par-<br > ticular, i~e. applying the Soviet experience to other states ruled by elites<br > which claimed to be guided by scientific socialism , was not good<br > enough. The relative simplicity of the assumption of a cohesive com-<br > munist bloc was questioued arier the expulsion of Yugoslavia fi om tile<br > Ctmmmuist Information Bureau in 1948 and in particular afi:er tile<br > workers riots ill l oznafi in 1956 and the Htmgarian revohttion of the<br > same ,car. By the mid--19ti0s, the totalitariim model of connnunist<br > p~litics, whicl~ until then had been very much in t;arcc, begau to<br > ciomble. As some ol these regimes articulated demands tbr a distinc-<br > tive path ofs~<:ialisI development, many specialists studying these sys-<br > telll:; [~Ct!all to ll~flicc (ha I r c, hesivelleSS ol the colnlntlllist bloc was<br > l,,~s app]~cm than had been claimed before.<br > AI:.,, by the mid--19,1ls, i* the newly i lde)endent Affic: n states<br > clc~j,~ ~alic llmJti_l,arty siate~, were ttlroillg iuto one-party states or<br >
Soviet Union 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025