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Myra Waldo's Restaurant Guide to New York City and Vicinity

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Myra Waldo's Restaurant Guide to New York City and Vicinity 在线电子书 图书描述

Dining ot.ti i:,~ Ncw York c~mtim.les ro ofi~zr a fiantastic range of<br > ~s~ ~ a.(. t,~,~ citv m ..he wortd (and<br >that iucludcs Pa,~s.) where a wider a~d more comprehe.usive range<br >0f"( : " " h fbund~ A remarkably<br >good. meal, most! v of a pa~.icut~, . ~r natiot~ali ty such. as Chi~ese, may<br >be had for $5 a pe;-s<:v,, or an elaborate classic Fret~ch dinner l%r $75,<br >as you wish.<br > There arc rc:;i~tt:,,rar~ts which have been on the local scene for<br >decaaes - ~" " . ~ - .q -,, --,-- close with<br >astonishir~g ::~pidity. During tI~.e past yea:, scores have disapF<:ared<br > wn.t be succcssfi~!<br >only to be . .,,,,~.:~,-,- d by others, some of whic]~ ~ <br >whereas ~nae,v wili depart, with li~t!e l~r,aen!alion. Some are lavish<br >in concept ~ " ~ eA c c~ ,r :,,,:,v, ~ # , ~,<br >place grea~c.c c:~:~ph:~sis ~pon the ambience and atmosphere ratker<br >than the fi>c;d served. There s als(, ;a new breed of small, fi~.r,"~i!y-<br >0peratcd "- ~ - ~"- *". "~ ::crv~ug ,mu. ,t,l, ~t n~t atw ,:ays wei,-preparevt..<br >food at extremci) ~ .,~,,h prices. Most of ther,,~ a.e sucoc-ssfu;.: reqt~iring<br >reservations cvv<.) to t~ ~ e * " * " " * "~ " ~<br > ~.~ weeks il~. advance. ~oCadOt,. ooc.s[t t .,-;e,.~,l<br >to be nearly ~o iL~>o;kmt a> it ouce was. :i::,.,r cx,-u.r~pie., the i,~conve-<br > Newad~,,y:.: thcce are few requirements abou~ the dress ,of the<br > patror:s, a!tb.e.ugl~ this c~:~ay vary ffo~ ., o~e restau;:ar,.t ~.c,~<br > Obviously ~ . ja::kci :rod tic are required when dirking a-~ La Carave!te,<br > " " rc~ [d~i-<br > but st~rtslcc:vcs > ,,. r,~ be s~..~fficic~t at ~,, siH~ptcnmgnoo~ noo,, -~ ~s~,.<br > r ,mt. l hc ~cw ~ v,.:Jc~al ]aw.,.; ub~.:ut air com:~i.t icnfing a~,d _~;.vt ictting the<br > room ternpcratu>~ go beFav 7S = during thv summer months will<br > probably R,,rther i~Mucc infl;rmMity of drc.~,s Jbr rncru Ever., the<br >

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