Yanomamö, the fierce people 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Yanomamö, the fierce people

Napoleon A. Chagnon 作者
Holt McDougal
1984-12 出版日期
224 頁數
30.00 價格
9780030710704 圖書編碼

Yanomamö, the fierce people 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 人類學  Amazonians   

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Yanomamö, the fierce people 在線電子書 圖書描述

~.I ,v~u~,~ ~*~ HuIHiI]I DCIIaVIOt. I lie aUtllOIS aft<br >1 writing dmir books they have kept the students who will rcad them<br >,inds. It is our bclicf ttlat when an understanding of ways of life vciw<br >s own is gained, abstractions and gcncralizadons about social stru,[<br >, subsistence techniques, and the other universal categories of hum:m<br >,me mcaningfid.<br > About the Author<br >hagnon was born the sc~om] ~H: twelve children m Port Austin,<br >Hc is married and has two chihh cn. At present hc is an Assistant<br >,poh)gy and holds a joint appointmcnt as Research Associate in the<br >nan (icnctics. l.hliversitv of Michigan Medical School. This dcparr-<br >a long-term pn)jcct for the study of the Ygnomam6 from a medical-<br >:1 a team approach involving specialists in scvcral ficlds. Dr. Chagm)n<br >1ember of the team. tic bcgan his academic training in the Michigan<br >md Tcchnologs. but switched to anthropology, rccciving a B.A. in<br > Univcrsitv of Michigan in 1961. an M.A. in 1963, and a Ph.l). in<br >m~crccn months in direct contact with the Y~inomam6 of Venezuela<br >demography, social organization, and warfare, and about onc month<br >ing Makiritarc of Brazil and Venezuela, studying social organization.<br >coral articles in Natural f]/s/or), and Proa.ez//ng.i q/ d,e Nat/on,d A~a/-<br >as prcscntcd papcls at mcctings of the American Anthropological<br >National Acadcmx of Scicncc. Hc plans to return to the Y~tnomam6<br >over the next three } cars, having completed two cooperative trips<br > Instimto Vcnczolano dc lnvcstij4acioncs (]cntlhcas.<br > About the B~)()k<br >

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