Assessing Vital Functions Accurately Nursing Skillbook 在线电子书 图书标签:
Assessing Vital Functions Accurately Nursing Skillbook 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Lversity. Antures to RNmost oftenhe pediatric in Denver.its advisoryhealth oursed her BSN at University.z University,1 practice butMA from thes University, of ParklandI a BS and anof the AlphaNurse-of-the-:ses' Associa-ar nursing. AID THE SOCIALCARDIAC SUR-Jsurgical nurs-aville, Tennes-ing at the Uni-n neurologicald a continuinging. Mrs. Wahl and an MSNnsultant to thisanzi, RN, andkillchecks.FOREWORDAS RECENTLY AS 1940, nurses weren't per-mitted to take a patient's blood pressure. Butin the past 3 decades our roles have changeddrastically. Today we're not only measuringtraditional vital signs such as blood pressure-- we're also assessing patients with sophisti-cated tools such as electrocardiograms andintra-arterial catheters; advising patients onhealth matters; and initiating programs in pa-tient education. And our role will continue tochange. Nurses everywhere are asking formore than auxiliary or handmaiden status. In-deed, some argue that our role be expandedeven further to include such functions as per-forming screening procedures, ordering awide range of laboratory tests, performingminor surgery, even prescribing certain typesof medications. Does all of this intimidate me? No. In fact,I'm thrilled! Because it speaks of a rising con-sciousness of who nurses are, and what wecan contribute. How much we can do, such astransferring a patient from a ward, or orderingspecific laboratory tests, or initiating nursinginterventions, will depend on the autonomywe have. For nurses who are propedy pre-pared, intervention and autonomy go hand inhand. The move -- however embryonic --against standing orders and treatment pro-
Assessing Vital Functions Accurately Nursing Skillbook 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025