Executive ESP 在线电子书 图书标签:
Executive ESP 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
CONTENTSCreative VisualizationSeeing What Isn't ThereDream ImagingInterpreting Your Own SymbolsColor SchemingGetting the Timing RightDouble,Checking Your ESPPeople ThroughImproving the Office AtmospherePsyching Up Your Work ForceHiring and FiringMoving Up in the CompanyBusiness TripsSexual Politics in the OfficeSharing ProsperityWhere Do We Go from Here?Your ESP IQ: Second Quizendix: Guide for the Lazy Executive:hic Resource Listcted Bibliography10 87 96106115125134142151159166175183192209216223229233235Preface For the past twelve years I have been a professional clairvoyant, intuitive counselor, and astrologer. During that time I have helped thousands of people sort out their personal and profes- sional problems. Some are people you may never dream would consult a psychic, like your next-door neighbor; others have been luminaries in the world of entertainment, government, and high finance. My work has been profiled in Financial World, Newsday, ABC's "Eyewitness News," and hundreds of other news- papers, magazines, television and radio broadcasts. I have writ- ten this book to help you learn to use the tools I use everyday in my work, because I believe everyone has the potential to de-velop their intuitive nature for succeeding in life. This book hasa very practical slant--how to use your intuition for businesssuccess---because the workplace is where I believe the proof ofpsychic ability will ultimately be accepted by the Americanpublic. It is my intention in condensing my lectures and semi-nars into a readily accessible programmed text to take psychicwork out of the laboratories, s6ance parlors, and sideshowgypsy tents, and bring it into the mainstream where it belongs,free of the fear, ridicule, and misinformation it has been subjectto in the past.ll
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