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The Biology of Brains

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9780121360504 圖書編碼

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"The human mind is essentially a food-seeking system, and no more

necessarily a truth-finding apparatus than the snout of a pig."

--attributed to Lord Balfour by H. G. Wells in his Introduction to "Mind

in the Making" by J. Harvey Robinson.

Food-seeking or truth-finding, this apparatus has proliferated thought

over the centuries like a spore proliferating cells. But where some still

mysterious-seeming programme, lent by the genes to the cytoplasm of

the spore, regulates with a fine precision the marshalling of its cells so

that an ordered, functional body is produced, the same cannot be said

of the proliferation of human thought. More like the unregulated, dis-

persing cells of a cancer, the ideas boil up and spill over randomly, to

generate results that often seem entirely beyond human control; be-

cause of the dangers that now appear to arise from this lack of control,

the time seems ripe for a symposium on the biology of the organ whose

peak development has been responsible for producing this mystery of


Till recently we have been very content to accept the results of

thought, whether they were controlled or not. We have seen disease

reduced by medicine, famine reduced by various technologies, new

pleasures, natural and synthetic, made available to us. True, we have

also seen massacres and wars fiendishly worsened; but this, we said

comfortably, was "Nature's pruning hook", as we especially in the

West--sat back enjoying our increasing pleasures and decreasing drudg-

eries. But now it has changed: like a quiet underground myeelium, the

massing research in the young science of ecology has put out flamboyant

mushrooms of aposematie vermilion (Pileus ehrlichii Commoner)

warning us of possible catastrophe on a scale unequalled by our worst

wars and famines. Because of this, these results of ecological thought

are in a different class from what has gone before. Each previous result

was either a direct augmentation of our well-being or an increase in our

potential to wrest the means of well-being from someone else; it was

therefore a positive feedback system, increasing our collective drive for

more. :Now, because the threat is on

human communities stand to suffer


a planetary scale, because now all

from the overdrive of any one of

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