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9ND INTERVALS<br > HOURS PRIOR.<br >Hostile. REPEAT<br >;uggest you contact<br >UNGU in Hamara<br >on flying operation<br >~ IN. Use all means<br >peration. DO NOT<br >?O NATURE OF<br >"FICIAL PROTO-<br >TE IN HAMARA<br >C) FOLLOW.<br >Ies your immediate<br >;r you deem wise.<br >oUow under Code<br >ake is tough. RE-<br > .anzibar knows we<br >~d. May also know<br >trieve satellite and<br >~t date but antici-<br >[. B. Arley<br >erospace Security<br >he Pentagon<br > 170047<br >CHAPTER I<br > He awoke with a slow rise to awareness, his eyes opening<br >gradually against the pain of daylight, staying in slits, taking it a piece<br >at a time, testing, feeling for friendship. The murky colors of red and<br >yellow still spun out of his brain in peculiar gyrations, pinwheels of<br >blinding pain, leftovers from the bad dreams, mixing as they moved.<br >Sometimes they were like circus downs somersaulting in a blaze of<br >amber and gold and then snapping into pillars of flame again. He<br >would never get the flames out of his head. He knew that.<br > And then, as if he d been jabbed in the ribs, he sat up, propping<br >himself on both elbows, feeling the sudden intrusion. The motors.<br >Not a part of his dreams now. Real. Popping against the morning<br >chill, hammering useless fists against cold combustion chambers, chil-<br >dren awakened before it is time, tttming cranky and irritable under<br >the prodding. Like always. Every morning. And he was half glad they<br >had awakened him, half sad about it too. For it was good to be free<br >of the tyranny of his dreams, but he hated the sound of the planes<br >too, for what they meant, like military drums ordering the march into<br >hell. His hell. His creation.<br > He turned his head slowly to get the room before him, noticing<br >how the blood-red sun splashed the rough mahogany plank walls and<br >ran off across the rustic floorboards like volcanic lava creeping re-<br >lentlessly down the mountainside, a slithering reptile of deliberate<br >intent. What forbidden fruit today, you slimy, subtle beauty of the<br >garden?<br > He continued to lie there propped up, not bothering to kick his<br >legs over the side of the bed, taking in the room with one gasping<br >yawn, scratching his scalp through the tangle of long hair, picking at<br ><br >

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