A Stranger in My House: Jews and Arabs in the West Bank 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

A Stranger in My House: Jews and Arabs in the West Bank

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A Stranger in My House: Jews and Arabs in the West Bank 在線電子書 著者簡介

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A Stranger in My House: Jews and Arabs in the West Bank 在線電子書 圖書描述

The West Bank<br >Then and Now<br >Ira Rapaport, once of Brooklyn, pulled his small Peugeot to the<br >shoulder of a narrow, steep road twenty miles north of Jerusa-<br >lem. "We re in the heart of Samaria," he said, adjusting the<br >knitted yarmulke on his head. "The world calls this the West<br >Bank. The Arabs call it part of Palestine. The stone terraces<br >covering every hill for miles around were built by my grandfa-<br >thers in the days of our kings and our prophets. This is where<br >David ran from Saul. On that hill Judah Maccabee sprang a<br >trap on an occupying Syrian army many times the size of his<br >and won Jewish independence. North of here, in Shechem,<br >which the Arabs call Nablus, Abraham made his first stop in<br >Canaan, and Joshua his farewell address. On the other side of<br >those hills is Shiloh, where we ve just built a Jewish settlement,<br >where I live with my wife and children, and where, three thou-<br >sand years ago, we made our first capital and became a people.<br >This is a place from which we were repeatedly expelled and to<br >which we repeatedly returned. And now we ve returned once<br >again. We re back to stay. This is Israel. This is my home."<br > Rapaport, thirty-nine years old, is one of some 30,000 Jews<br >who have settled in the West Bank so far--in the part north of<br >Jerusalem, which they call by its biblical name, Samaria, and in<br >the part south of the city, which they call Judea. They have<br >established more than 120 settlements, the great majority of<br >4kQ<br ><br >

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