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Cooking W/O Salt

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Book Description Putting down the saltshaker is just the first step....Experts agree that a low-sodium diet can decrease the risk of heart disease, migraines, diabetes, and osteoporosis.  But to significantly reduce the salt in your diet, you must learn how to spot the hidden sodium in frozen foods, canned goods, and popular recipes.Fully revised and updated using the latest medical research, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt is a nutrition guide and cookbook all in one.  It's filled with useful tips on how to limit sodium without sacrificing flavor--as well as savory recipes that will help you put your healthy, low-salt lifestyle into action.From Stuffed Mushrooms and Double Corn Biscuits to Pork Medallions in Pesto, Grilled Tuna with Salsa, and Pasta Primavera, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt lets you enjoy all the dishes you love while forming healthy eating habits for years to come.. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition. Inside Flap Copy Putting down the saltshaker is just the first step....Experts agree that a low-sodium diet can decrease the risk of heart disease, migraines, diabetes, and osteoporosis.  But to significantly reduce the salt in your diet, you must learn how to spot the hidden sodium in frozen foods, canned goods, and popular recipes.Fully revised and updated using the latest medical research, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt is a nutrition guide and cookbook all in one.  It's filled with useful tips on how to limit sodium without sacrificing flavor--as well as savory recipes that will help you put your healthy, low-salt lifestyle into action.From Stuffed Mushrooms and Double Corn Biscuits to Pork Medallions in Pesto, Grilled Tuna with Salsa, and Pasta Primavera, Cooking Without a Grain of Salt lets you enjoy all the dishes you love while forming healthy eating habits for years to come.. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.

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