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For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife

Gunter Figal 作者
State University of New York Press
Wayne Klein 译者
1998 出版日期
226 页数
USD 52.50 价格
9780791436974 图书编码

For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife 在线电子书 图书标签: 阐释学  现象学  政治哲学  思想史  尼采  political_philosophy   

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论Ernst Junger一章,写得真漂亮。


论Ernst Junger一章,写得真漂亮。


论Ernst Junger一章,写得真漂亮。


论Ernst Junger一章,写得真漂亮。


论Ernst Junger一章,写得真漂亮。

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For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife 在线电子书 图书描述

This first book-length work of the prominent German philosopher Gunter Figal to appear in English offers a radical defense of metaphysical philosophy in the era of postmodern thought. For Figal, metaphysics does not represent an anachronistic and pernicious mode of thought that ought to be overcome but rather is a type of thinking that proceeds from a recognition of the necessary coherence of everything with its opposite. It is this agonistic relationship of opposites that Figal, following Heraclitus, terms strife. Rather than regarding the conflict of opposites as necessarily resulting in the dissolution of meaning and sense, as many contemporary thinkers maintain, Figal contends that sense and meaning can only come into existence metaphysically, that is to say, as a consequence of strife. And, the context within which strife occurs is freedom. Using these concepts of strife and freedom, Figal proposes new and provocative readings of Plato, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard, as well as of some of the most controversial figures of twentieth-century philosophy.

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