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Experiencing the Cross

Henry Blackaby 作者
Multnomah Books
2005-09-15 出版日期
176 頁數
USD 16.99 價格
9781590524800 圖書編碼

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Experiencing the Cross 在線電子書 圖書描述

Dare to Go There

Although the cross is God’s decisive deed in human history, the full meaning of it is far too much for a mere human mind to grasp. But through Henry Blackaby’s careful examination, the cross becomes not a doctrine, but an experience. You’ll be overwhelmed with the utter significance of Christ’s death, leading you to a stronger sense of God’s power in your daily life. Steeped in the Blackaby distinctive of constant encouragement toward your personal experience of God, and firmly rooted in Scripture, this book exposes the tragic result of a casual attitude toward the sin in our lives that made the cross necessary. Learn to surrender to the deeper dimensions of the cross, so that nothing can block the Lord’s presence and power in your life!

Receive the reality. Discover the power.

Live the experience.

Jesus Christ died not so that you would recognize a historical fact. Or memorize a particular doctrine. Or continue with life as is.

No, Christ’s death was God’s decisive deed in your life, conquering sin once and for all. The cross beckons you every day, with power to transform every detail of your existence as you begin to see Calvary from God’s perspective.

Henry Blackaby leads you on an exploration through the deeper dimensions of the cross, ensuring that the further you go, the more you will: Deal radically and completely with sin Embrace true and lasting union with Christ Experience the fullness and reality of His victory in your life

Will you yield to God’s provision in His cross? Will you receive the power and presence of Jesus Christ? Will you dare to experience the cross?

“Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”

Luke 14:27

The cross is not just His; the cross is mine, and the cross is yours. It transcends the physical dimension, and it transcends time. As you forgo your limited, human perspective, God’s complete and overwhelming, all-consuming love will envelop you. You’ll experience His blessings as they’ve never been seen, heard, or felt before–guaranteed. Because t he One who called you to bear your cross also goes with you. Every step of the way.

Story Behind the Book

"Our whole identity with Christ is found in the cross. It was there that God dealt totally with sin. And it is there that God intends us to be united with Christ in His death so that we would forever hate sin, abhor sin, and forsake sin. In our intimate relationship with Christ and His crucifixion, God intends for us to obtain His perspective on sin–to feel its horrors, as Christ does, and then to let God put sin to death in our lives–as He did in the crucifixion of His Son. The victory accomplished through Christ’s death and resurrection is the very same victory we can experience daily in our lives! " –Henry Blackaby

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