The Education of an American Dreamer 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記 Biography 英文原版 投資 education American 金融 美國
The Education of an American Dreamer 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024
【認知】 1.發揮你的比較優勢 2.思想上不能懶惰(思考定位,本質) 3.生活是平衡的藝術,但是健康和快樂無價 【決策】 1.選擇長遠利益 2.發揮比較優勢,選擇奮鬥領域 3.恪守原則、內心、道德標準,任何妥協都是以長遠利益為代價 我需要的是: 建立清晰的願景,原則落實行動!
評分Always pick your battles carefully, not to be seduced by a opportunity without thoroughly checking it out first 雖然有一些浮誇的成分,不過還是能看到黑石老闆的人生智慧
評分Always pick your battles carefully, not to be seduced by a opportunity without thoroughly checking it out first 雖然有一些浮誇的成分,不過還是能看到黑石老闆的人生智慧
評分中文譯本太差 隻好把英文原版讀瞭一次…
評分【認知】 1.發揮你的比較優勢 2.思想上不能懶惰(思考定位,本質) 3.生活是平衡的藝術,但是健康和快樂無價 【決策】 1.選擇長遠利益 2.發揮比較優勢,選擇奮鬥領域 3.恪守原則、內心、道德標準,任何妥協都是以長遠利益為代價 我需要的是: 建立清晰的願景,原則落實行動!
彼得•彼得森(Peter G. Peterson),全球私募巨頭黑石集團創始人兼董事長。
“廣告狂人” 的廣告歲月
《黑石的起點,我的頂點》講述黑石集團創始人彼得•彼得森以睿智、老練的文筆描述瞭他非凡的生命故事,他是一個真正的“巨人”,是投資銀行傢、政治傢、美聯儲官員、反對財政赤字的公眾人士、私人股權投資基金創始人。齣生於美國內布拉斯加州的科尼市的他,8歲時就在父親希臘餐館的收銀颱前幫工,大學畢業後25歲的他就做瞭市場研究公司Market Facts公司的副總裁,後接受尼剋鬆邀請,齣任總統國際經濟事務助理,被譽為“尼剋鬆政府經濟領域的基辛格”,之後轉任商務部長,再之後又在危難時刻齣任董事長兼首席執行官解救瞭雷曼兄弟,開始瞭他的投資銀行傢生涯,後來他以4個人和40萬美元創建瞭黑石公司,並把它創建為私募巨頭。
巴菲特贊譽這本書:“彼得森的旅程是一個瞭不起的故事,他的書展現瞭他在商業和生活上坦誠的態度,令人耳目一新。” With insight and refreshing candor, Peter G. Peterson describes his remarkable life story beginning in Kearney, Nebraska as an eight-year-old manning the cash register at his father's Greek diner through his "Mad Men" advertising days, to Secretary of Commerce in Nixon's paranoid White House, to the tumultuous days of Lehman Brothers, and to the creation of The Blackstone Group, one of the great financial enterprises in recent times.
In THE EDUCATION OF AN AMERICAN DREAMER, Peterson chronicles the progress of this journey with irony, humor and, sometimes, painful honesty. Within these pages are stories of marriage and family hardship; lessons in political gamesmanship; thoughts on his obsessive desire to succeed; and, finally, learning the meaning of "enough." From his advertising days in Chicago in the 1950's to becoming the youngest CEO of a Fortune 300 Company, he shares with us his rise to the top and the price paid along the way. As the youngest Cabinet member in the Nixon administration, he describes his survival techniques in a hubris-driven and paranoid White House, including his turbulent turf wars with Treasury Secretary John Connally leading to Peterson's abrupt and highly publicized firing. His stewardship of Lehman Brothers is a Shakespearian tale of a CEO who struggled to deal with partners who were plotting his demise and, at the same time, turning an institution on the brink of bankruptcy to one with 5 straight years of record profits.
His life's story is about doing well by doing good. In the wake of Blackstone's highly successful public offering, Peterson found himself an 80-year old instant billionaire, on the verge of retirement. And like many lifetime workers and over-achievers, he suddenly confronts an unexpected, depressing identity crisis. His solution? Committing a great bulk of his net proceeds to establish the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, his philanthropic endeavor to do something about America's politically untouchable challenges that threaten America's future, among them massive entitlement obligations, ballooning health care costs, and our energy gluttony.
Ultimately, this is a man's account of his legendary successes, humiliating failures, and personal tragedies - a testament to a remarkable life and, indeed, to the American Dream itself.
[持续思考和分享,请关注我的微信公众号【海边流浪哈哈喂】,获得更多的原创思维 ] 最近有本书特别火,是黑石集团创始人Schwarzman(中文名:苏世民)写的自传,讲述他如何白手起家达成今日的成就。作者本人笑称,这本花了两年时间集中精力写的书,按他的收入一年7-8亿美元来...
評分对普罗大众来说,金融学里的成功代表当然是巴菲特,但是对金融专业的人来说,有很多与巴菲特齐名的投资传奇人物,彼得彼得森就是其中一位。 黑石是现今在PE投资领域非常有话语权和影响力的一只私募基金,其投资业绩及声誉不需要再赘述。作为黑石的创始人之一,彼得彼得森的人...
評分今天听书《黑石的选择》 1.首先对于金融领域有了从无到有得认知(私募一直不知道是哪两个字哈哈) 1.1黑石集团,总部位于美国纽约,是一家全球领先的另类资产管理和提供金融咨询服务的机构,是全世界最大的独立另类资产管理机构之一,美国规模最大的上市投资管理公司,1985年由彼...
評分放假的第一周认认真真地看完了这本书。翻译过来的名字似乎是刻意为了与《资本之王》一起促销而将“黑石”二字嵌入,书中真正讲黑石的篇章仅有十分之一。而本书的英文原名是何其的inspiring : The Education of an American Dreamer: How a son of Greek immigrants learned hi...
評分个人奋斗的典范,总是能够达到更高的高度,而且拥有他人难以企及的经历。 p49 之后在华盛顿,我有幸亲眼见识到所谓的真实经济,也就是政治经济。最近,我见识到无限制条件下的资本市场崩溃如何让我们受难深重。(弗里德曼的自信和率真使其忽略了一些经济情况的复杂之处) p71 ...
The Education of an American Dreamer 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024