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Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics)

Abbé Prévost 作者
OUP Oxford
Scholar, Angela 譯者
2008-10-09 出版日期
208 頁數
GBP 8.99 價格
9780199554928 圖書編碼

Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 愛情  Abbé.Prévost  文學  小說  France  英文  作品  oxford-world-classics   

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Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 用戶評價


"It is the fidelity of the heart alone that I value." Emotions as highest values, and the QED in Chap VI. So lovely the boy and the girl. Such lamentable ending.


"It is the fidelity of the heart alone that I value." Emotions as highest values, and the QED in Chap VI. So lovely the boy and the girl. Such lamentable ending.


文筆很雷人……不過看完之後倒是更覺得 Dowell 之後再無 Des Grieux 瞭。書裏的曼儂倒不能完全說是要錢不要命,更多是要刺激不要命,隻是沒錢很難尋到感官刺激而已。


開始看到光瞭# Manon 就非給寫成花瓶麼~


2019年第29本/ 法國文學選修課上要求讀的書。極度病態的兩個愛人之間反反復復的背叛與原諒,越讀越覺得枯燥。The Chevalier追求的是烏托邦式的愛情以及毀滅,而Manon追求的是世俗的pleasures(歡愉)、感官的刺激。如此兩個人注定是無法長相守的。即使在被流放美國之後,Manon終於對the Chevalier有瞭一點真心,這段無法被世俗容忍的愛情終究是以悲劇收場。The Chevalier尋死未果,重返巴黎已是爛柯人。一場叫作“Manon”的夢也該醒瞭。

Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 著者簡介


Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 圖書描述

'The sweetness of her glance - or rather, my evil star already in its ascendant and drawing me to my ruin - did not allow me to hesitate for a moment' So begins the story of Manon Lescaut, a tale of passion and betrayal, of delinquency and misalliance, which moves from early eighteenth-century Paris - with its theatres, assemblies, and gaming-houses - via prison and deportation to a tragic denouement in the treeless waste of Louisiana. It is one of the great love stories, and also one of the most enigmatic: how reliable a witness is Des Grieux, Manon's lover, whose tale he narrates? Is Manon a thief and a whore, the image of love itself, or a thoroughly modern woman? Prevost is careful to leave the ambiguities unresolved, and to lay bare the disorders of passion. This new translation includes the vignette and eight illustrations that were approved by Prevost and first published in the edition of 1753. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.

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Manon Lescaut (Oxford World's Classics) 在線電子書 讀後感






因为《The Fiction of Relationship》这门课,而读完了这本书。相比于古典小说——有开头高潮结尾,小说靠故事情节推动,我更喜欢现代小说——靠人物心理,靠氛围推动。所以,读之前我在想,这样老套的发生在18世纪巴黎的故事会带给我什么呢?如果不是这门课,也许我永远不会去...  




窃以为,小仲马是因为很雷这本小说,才写了《茶花女》。 那句“玛侬对玛格丽特,惭愧”的题词,翻译成咱们听得懂的中国话就是:“玛侬这小娘们儿TMD给茶花女提鞋都不配!!” 有人还说这小说是凄美的爱情悲剧,我嘞个擦哦!明明就是一个傻大爷们儿和傻大妞儿芝麻绿豆对眼了,...  

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