Complexity 在线电子书 图书标签: 复杂系统 科普 Complexity 复杂 计算机 complexity 系统思考 英文原版
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故事和知识合理分配,非常易懂的科普书。让我重温了很多以前似懂非懂的概念。model那部分强烈感受到在上simulating language感觉,结果随手搜了下,发现Simon还真的引用过她的作品。后面一些章节稍微有点冗余。
评分complex system: a system in which large networks of components with no central control and simple rules of operation give rise to complex collective behavior, sophisticated information processing, and adaptation via learning or evolution.
Melanie Mitchell is a professor of computer science at Portland State University. She has worked at the Santa Fe Institute and Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her major work has been in the areas of analogical reasoning, complex systems, genetic algorithms and cellular automata, and her publications in those fields are frequently cited
As science probes the nature of life, society, and technology ever more closely, what it finds there is complexity. The sophisticated group behavior of social insects, the unexpected intricacies of the genome, the dynamics of population growth, and the self-organized structure of the World Wide Web - these are just a few examples of complex systems that still elude scientific understanding. Comprehending such systems seems to require a wholly new approach, one that goes beyond traditional scientific reductionism and that re-maps long-standing disciplinary boundaries. This remarkably accessible and companionable book, written by a leading complex systems scientist, provides an intimate, detailed tour of the sciences of complexity, a broad set of efforts that seek to explain how large-scale complex, organized, and adaptive behavior can emerge from simple interactions among myriad individuals. In this richly illustrated work, Melanie Mitchell describes in equal parts the history of ideas underlying complex systems science, the current research at the forefront of this field, and the prospects for the field's contribution to solving some of the most important scientific questions of our current century.
《复杂》我已经读完快两周了,前几天终于敲打完了读书笔记,笔记共计13048字,链接见文末。 书籍的英文原名为《Complexity: A Guided Tour》,作者 Melanie Mitchell 这本书的庞杂程度,直让我想起去年读的《万物创世》,我不知道怎样横向比较这两本书的信息量,就像书里提到...
评分原发布于本人[博客]( 刚下过一场小雨,天空正在变晴,空气还是湿漉漉的,落叶上的水珠苍翠欲滴。这是难得的空闲,你点上一支烟,抬起了头。今天的天空有些奇怪,那蓝色似乎与往日不同。失真的色彩让你陷入了沉思,往事如潮水般...
评分2019.1.5 由于作者是计算机科学的专业人士,本书偏重于计算机方面的知识,而且相当细节和广泛。对一般读者仅仅需要了解大概即可。 单个体很简单,群体可以很复杂,系统的复杂性可以从众多例子看到,如行军蚁,免疫系统等等。 亚里士多德,伽利略,牛顿的动力学延伸发展出庞加莱...
评分啃了几个星期,终于陆陆续续看完了。烧脑程度算是中等,虽然有的地方懵懵懂懂,不得要点,但也算是能基本理解。对于复杂性科学有了大致的印象,我感觉复杂性科学是一种科学与哲学的混合体。 与一般意义上的科学相比,它尚未发展到精确的地步,其中的很多概念,如复杂性,涌现,...
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