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The Railway Man

Lomax, Eric 作者
Random House of Canada, Limited
1996-7 出版日期
288 页数
95.00元 价格
9780099582311 图书编码

The Railway Man 在线电子书 图书标签: Biography  备忘  传记-回忆录   

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The Railway Man 在线电子书 用户评价


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and making him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of it in a whole Sunday. The author is an ordinary guy but he had unusual experience in his life. There is a lot we can learn from him.


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and making him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of it in a whole Sunday. The author is an ordinary guy but he had unusual experience in his life. There is a lot we can learn from him.


R4 read by Alec Heggie. 从和解部分开始泪流不止,永瀬 隆信佛后获得自我原谅(施害者总比受害者容易释怀),而作者选择原谅他,或许是跳出了个人爱恨,看透每个人都是政治和战争机器中的工具。这种坏境下如何保持良知,或许终究是经不起实验的问题。


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and making him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of it in a whole Sunday. The author is an ordinary guy but he had unusual experience in his life. There is a lot we can learn from him.


R4 read by Alec Heggie. 从和解部分开始泪流不止,永瀬 隆信佛后获得自我原谅(施害者总比受害者容易释怀),而作者选择原谅他,或许是跳出了个人爱恨,看透每个人都是政治和战争机器中的工具。这种坏境下如何保持良知,或许终究是经不起实验的问题。

The Railway Man 在线电子书 著者简介

The Railway Man 在线电子书 图书目录

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The Railway Man 在线电子书 图书描述

Railway enthusiast and radio buff, Lomax, was imprisoned by the Japanese in 1942. The experience devastated him. Almost 50 years after the war, however, he discovered that his interrogator, the Japanese interpreter, was still alive — their reconciliation is the culmination of this extraordinary story.

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The Railway Man 在线电子书 读后感


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and made him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of the whole book in a whole Sunday. The aut...


偶然发现这部同名传记已经在去年翻拍成了电影《铁路劳工》,有曾夺得奥斯卡奖《国王的演讲》的柯林·菲尔斯担当这部传记的主人公,也就是本书的作者埃里克·洛马克斯(Eric Lomax)。喜欢看二战系列电影的影迷们一定知道《桂河大桥》这部电影,其实这部真人传记就是根据那段真...  


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and made him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of the whole book in a whole Sunday. The aut...


Very interestingly written biography, which is the only book by the author and made him well known. The first a few chapters seemed boring to me, but after that I couldn't put it down till I finished the rest of the whole book in a whole Sunday. The aut...


偶然发现这部同名传记已经在去年翻拍成了电影《铁路劳工》,有曾夺得奥斯卡奖《国王的演讲》的柯林·菲尔斯担当这部传记的主人公,也就是本书的作者埃里克·洛马克斯(Eric Lomax)。喜欢看二战系列电影的影迷们一定知道《桂河大桥》这部电影,其实这部真人传记就是根据那段真...  

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