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Playing Our Game

Edward S. Steinfeld 作者
Oxford University Press
2010-8-5 出版日期
280 頁數
USD 27.95 價格
9780195390650 圖書編碼

Playing Our Game 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 政治學  globalization  economics  China  政治經濟  大轉型  國際政治經濟學  中國模式   

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Playing Our Game 在線電子書 用戶評價


conclusion 沒有問題, 再同意不過; 但中間推論過程有點囉囉嗦嗦, 管理學者畢竟要從科技發展(高科技產業產品模組化的結構)-->中國廠商創新能力--->macro-level 中國追趕美國不行, 故不會對美國造成影響的這個推理動線拉很長


失望,Institutional Outsourcing和Self-Obsolescing Authoritarianism都是扯,中海油競購尤尼科的一章還有點看頭,對全球化的重新解讀可取。




conclusion 沒有問題, 再同意不過; 但中間推論過程有點囉囉嗦嗦, 管理學者畢竟要從科技發展(高科技產業產品模組化的結構)-->中國廠商創新能力--->macro-level 中國追趕美國不行, 故不會對美國造成影響的這個推理動線拉很長



Playing Our Game 在線電子書 著者簡介

Edward S. Steinfeld is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Director of the MIT-China Program. He is the author of Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry .

Playing Our Game 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Playing Our Game 在線電子書 圖書描述

Conventional wisdom holds that China's burgeoning economic power has reduced the United States to little more than a customer and borrower of Beijing. The rise of China, many feel, necessarily means the decline of the West--the United States in particular.

Not so, writes Edward Steinfeld. If anything, China's economic emergence is good for America. In this fascinating new book, Steinfeld asserts that China's growth is fortifying American commercial supremacy, because (as the title says) China is playing our game. By seeking to realize its dream of modernization by integrating itself into the Western economic order, China is playing by our rules, reinforcing the dominance of our companies and regulatory institutions. The impact of the outside world has been largely beneficial to China's development, but also enormously disruptive. China has in many ways handed over--outsourced--the remaking of its domestic economy and domestic institutions to foreign companies and foreign rule-making authorities. For Chinese companies now, participation in global production also means obedience to foreign rules. At the same time, even as these companies assemble products for export to the West, the most valuable components for those products come from the West. America's share of global manufacturing, by value, has actually increased since 1990. Within China, the R&D centers established by Western companies attract the country's best scientists and engineers, and harness that talent to global, rather than indigenous Chinese, innovation efforts. In many ways, both Chinese and American society are benefiting as a result. That said, the pressures on China are intense. China is modeling its economy on the United States, with vast consequences in a country with a small fraction of America's per-capita income and scarcely any social safety net. Walmartization is not something that Asian manufacturing power is doing to us; rather, it is how we are transforming China.

From outsourcing to energy, Steinfeld overturns the conventional wisdom in this incisive and richly researched account.

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Playing Our Game 在線電子書 讀後感


Steinfeld’s new volume addresses how globalization affects China. He looks the issue from a perspective of global production instead of international trade. China’s ambition for modernization, low level of industrialization compared to the West, and an in...


Steinfeld’s new volume addresses how globalization affects China. He looks the issue from a perspective of global production instead of international trade. China’s ambition for modernization, low level of industrialization compared to the West, and an in...


Steinfeld’s new volume addresses how globalization affects China. He looks the issue from a perspective of global production instead of international trade. China’s ambition for modernization, low level of industrialization compared to the West, and an in...


Steinfeld’s new volume addresses how globalization affects China. He looks the issue from a perspective of global production instead of international trade. China’s ambition for modernization, low level of industrialization compared to the West, and an in...


Steinfeld’s new volume addresses how globalization affects China. He looks the issue from a perspective of global production instead of international trade. China’s ambition for modernization, low level of industrialization compared to the West, and an in...

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