Coco Chanel 在线电子书 图书标签: CHANEL 人物传记 传记 时尚 COCO 英文原版 biography FASHION
Coco Chanel 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024
我也是因为CHANEL NO.5才看她的 风流人物风流史
评分看起来蛮厚重的书,用的还是不那么好读的sans serif字体,读起来却很轻松。作者写作功力之深,我常不觉得自己是在“读”,应了Stephen King在On Writing中所说的“写作是感应”。ps.从没觉得茶花这么美,立体的平面的都好美
Justine Picardie has spent the last decade puzzling over the truth about Coco Chanel, attempting to peel away the accretions of romance and lies. In this full-scale biography we finally discover the history of the incredible woman who created the way we look now. Coco Chanel was an extraordinary inventor - she conjured up the little black dress, bobbed hair, trousers for women, contemporary chic, best-selling perfumes, and the most successful fashion brand of all time - but she also invented herself, fashioning the myth of her own life with the same dexterity as her couture. While Chanel was supreme innovator and vendor of all things elegant and beautiful, what lies beneath her own glossy myth is far darker. Throwing new light on her passionate and turbulent relationships, this beautifully constructed portrait gives a fresh and penetrating look at how Coco Chanel made herself into her own most powerful creation. Justine Picardie brings the mysterious Gabrielle Chanel out of hiding, to celebrate her great achievements. She examines Chanel's enduring afterlife, as well as her remarkable life, uncovering the consequences of what she covered up, unpicking the seams between truth and legend, yet keeping intact the real fabric of her past.
应该没有人不知道可可香奈儿的大名,菱格纹包包、5号香水、小黑裙,都在时尚界中都鼎鼎大名,更是女人心中的梦想。香奈儿说过,“我的生活不曾取悦于我,所以我创造了自己的生活。” 大概没人会想到,多年以前她还不叫可可香奈儿的时候,母亲跟父亲没有正式婚姻,她只是父亲的...
评分如果只有一本书,我选择香奈儿。 它几乎有我想要知道的一切。 孤独而战斗的一生。(修道院的凄凉,离群索居,面对各种讽刺和挑战,直到死前一天还在工作) 傲气和卑微。(可可说,上流社会的女人都很脏。她永远不知道什么叫妥协。可是博伊取了命当户对的贵族,她难掩悲伤。...
Coco Chanel 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024