Voices Carry 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Voices Carry

Ying Ruocheng 作者
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
2008-10-17 出版日期
286 頁數
USD 85.00 價格
9780742555549 圖書編碼

Voices Carry 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 水流雲在  Ruocheng,Ying  自傳  生活  水流雲在。  迴憶錄  人物研究  中國現代歷史   

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Voices Carry 在線電子書 用戶評價


20世紀中國傳奇的一生,Extraordinary personality。


20世紀中國傳奇的一生,Extraordinary personality。


20世紀中國傳奇的一生,Extraordinary personality。


20世紀中國傳奇的一生,Extraordinary personality。


20世紀中國傳奇的一生,Extraordinary personality。

Voices Carry 在線電子書 著者簡介


Voices Carry 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Voices Carry 在線電子書 圖書描述


"A gem, not to be missed by any student of Chinese culture or politics. . . . The passages on prison are among the most detailed and vivid we have in the literature. And throughout the volume there is a refreshing bluntness. . . . Voices Carry has been a major project for Conceison, a labor of love, persistence, and understanding. She has gone to great lengths to offer context in endnotes for readers who may need them. It is hard to think of any US-PRC literary collaboration more complex and valuable than this one, or to think of a personal cultural bridge between the PRC and the West as active and influential as Ying . . . it is quite clear Ying had his faults, but I found the book totally engaging." --Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

"Ying's vitality, ingenuity, humor, and creativity as an artist and a larger-than-life character are in full display, making the book a great joy to read. . . . Conceison should also be commended for skillfully and fluidly weaving Ying's life together in the chapters and for corroborating, supplementing, or occasionally correcting Ying's memories with historical records and/or recounts from family members in her introduction, epilogue, and thirty-five pages of endnotes. . . . Her serious scholarship is augmented by skillful writing and organization." --Theatre Journal

"A truly excellent book. It is full of information and insight into the life of a wonderfully generous and learned human being, a most unusual Chinese and man of the theatre, a man who understood the theatre both of his own country and of the West, and who had highly practical and valuable experience in both. As for the author whose job was to transmit this character to a readership, her knowledge and feeling for her subject is exemplary, as is her ability to write that kind of English that conveys his character and views sympathetically and truthfully. This is not only a lively read but also a convincing one." --Asian Theatre Journal

"A must-read for anyone interested in the performing arts. Furthermore, [celebrated Chinese actor Ying Ruocheng's] life touched on fascinating aspects of Chinese history and society seldom discussed. What happened to the Manchus after the 1911 revolution? What was it like being a Catholic in those years? How did (and perhaps does) the government collect information on foreigners? How does it treat its political prisoners? How are personnel decisions made? This book is one man's attempt to make sense of cataclysmic events." --China Review International

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Voices Carry 在線電子書 讀後感





全部都是剧透,我就是把一些有意思的八卦弄了下来。 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 《水流云在》那就是一本八卦书,各种八卦。其他的我则浅陋的没看出来。 不过话说回来,咱眼巴巴的看看名人自传不就是为了看到一些熟悉的名字下面发生的那些不熟悉的事儿末? 本书的主要内容:英若诚祖上以...  


《末代皇帝》开拍时,英若诚已是文化部的副部长,导演贝尔多鲁奇之所以能够请到这个中国电影史上官职最高的演员,居然是胡耀邦的特批。 这样的佳话,放在当下只能是不可复制的传奇,而在英若诚这里,不过是个小小的插曲:1929年含着金汤勺出生于皇族支系,祖父是《大公...  


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