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The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning

Wick, Calhoun W.; Pollock, Roy; Jefferson, Andrew 作者
2010-9 出版日期
384 頁數
340.00元 價格
9780470526521 圖書編碼

The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 管理  産品經理  Training  HR-training   

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The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning 在線電子書 著者簡介

卡爾霍恩.威剋,Fort Hill公司的創始人和主席,曾獲得ISA(Association of Learning Providers)“2006年年度思想領袖”、“2007年年度Neon Elephant奬”。卡爾曾在麻省理工學院斯隆管理學院獲得碩士學位。

羅伊.波洛剋博士,6Ds公司首席學習官。曾任Fort Hill公司的首席學習官,副總裁;葛蘭素史剋公司獸藥事業部全球戰略産品開發負責人;輝瑞公司獸藥事業部副總裁;愛德士生物科技公司總裁等職位。羅伊獲得伊利諾斯大學醫學博士學位。

安德魯.傑斐遜,6Ds公司總裁兼CEO。在不同有關學習與發展國際會議上擔任演講嘉賓,專注於學習與發展的投資迴報研究。在加入6Ds公司之前,他曾任Fort Hill公司的CEO;Vital Home Service的CEO;Ameristar技術公司的首席運營官。

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The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning 在線電子書 圖書描述

Whether you?re an HR or OD professional or work in a training department, learn to apply the principles of follow-through management within your organization in the new edition of this bestselling resource. Incorporating new research on learning and learning transfer, along with new case studies, interviews, and tools, this edition shares guidelines, proven in practice by many Fortune 500 companies, on how to design comprehensive learning experiences in leadership and management, sales, quality, performance improvement, and professional certification. You?ll discover the theories and principles underlying the approach, as well as the practical methods, tools, and roadmaps for bridging the "knowing-doing" gap. Praise for the Second Edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning : "No other book in the last decade has been more important for the workplace learning field. The second edition is even better, incorporating new wisdom learnedin the crucible of real-world practice."?Will Thalheimer, Ph.D., president, Work-Learning Research, Inc. "Simply put, this book is a critical read for anyone who wants to ensure that the time and money spent in development produces results."? Teresa Roche, vice president and chief learning officer, Agilent Technologies "The Six Disciplines brings together many of the most important principles of corporate training in an easy-to-understand, highly visual format. Readers will find this book filled with examples, models, and practical tools you can use to create high-impact learning solutions in your own organization."?Josh Bersin, president and chief executive officer, Bersin & Associates "Wick, Pollock, and Jefferson have a well-proven formula for moving learning from an academic exercise to business results. Their 6Ds offer all leaders specific and concrete things that they can do to turn learning into results." ?Dave Ulrich, professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and partner, The RBL Group "I introduced The Six Disciplines to GE's Global Learning Council and I am very glad that I did. The Six Disciplines gives us a common language and a common process that work very well in GE."?Jayne Johnson, director, Global Leadership Development, General Electric "The 6Ds model provided a powerful framework for designing high-impact learning programs that helped to shape our approach to learning and to align our learning leaders across the organization. The second edition adds insights and tools that make this edition even more relevant, practical, and valuable."?Robert Sachs, Ph.D., vice president, Learning and Development, Kaiser-Permanente "Embracing the Six Disciplines has allowed us to develop truly innovative high-impact leadership programs that have changed the trajectory of our firm."?Carol Bonett, vice president, leadership development officer, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC

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The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning 在線電子書 讀後感






初步浏览本书前两章,试图从中找到一些实用的工具。事实上,还需要再细细体会,估计此书不会让我失望。 从商业结果出发,以终为始的设计培训方案是我们认为的理想状态,事实是,解析业务模式和填补业务缺失对HR工作本身就是巨大挑战。





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