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China on Paper

Marcia Reed 作者
Getty Research Institute
2011-3-8 出版日期
280 頁數
USD 30.00 價格
9781606060681 圖書編碼

China on Paper 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 中西交通  英文  曆史  跨文化  藝術史  古技文  中外交通  to   

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China on Paper 在線電子書 用戶評價


Marcia Reed 對馬可波羅之後的基歇爾、皮卡爾畫作進行瞭分析。Richard E. Strassberg(石聽泉)的War and Peace:Four Intercultural Landscapes【呈現瞭耕織、乾隆帝剋敵、圓明園、中式塔】與李瀟雨的《再現的腔調——以近代西方人視野中的中國塔、寺為中心》寫作思路倒是挺一緻的。又見Imagining Qianlong這本書。


Marcia Reed 對馬可波羅之後的基歇爾、皮卡爾畫作進行瞭分析。Richard E. Strassberg(石聽泉)的War and Peace:Four Intercultural Landscapes【呈現瞭耕織、乾隆帝剋敵、圓明園、中式塔】與李瀟雨的《再現的腔調——以近代西方人視野中的中國塔、寺為中心》寫作思路倒是挺一緻的。又見Imagining Qianlong這本書。


argue that apart from commodities, books and prints were central to the ways in which Europeans and Chinese communicated in the centuries between 1500 and 1800.


argue that apart from commodities, books and prints were central to the ways in which Europeans and Chinese communicated in the centuries between 1500 and 1800.


argue that apart from commodities, books and prints were central to the ways in which Europeans and Chinese communicated in the centuries between 1500 and 1800.

China on Paper 在線電子書 著者簡介

Marcia Reed is head of Collection Development at the Getty Research Institute.

Paola Demattè is associate professor of Chinese art and archaeology at the Rhode Island School of Design.

China on Paper 在線電子書 著者簡介

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China on Paper 在線電子書 圖書描述

This title explores the curiosity and collaboration that has existed between East and West for centuries. The striking illustrated books, maps, and prints featured in China on Paper are some of the most notable among the printed works produced at the dawn of the era of global trade to present China to Europe and bring Western science, religion, and art to China. From a Chinese translation of the rosary to French editions of Confucian classics, from a monumental map of the world to magnificent engravings of the European pavilions built by Jesuits at the behest of the Qianlong emperor - these works on paper reveal a compelling and largely hidden history of mutual curiosity and fruitful collaboration at a time when few people travelled far from home.

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