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How We Think

N. Katherine Hayles 作者
University Of Chicago Press
2012-6-5 出版日期
296 頁數
USD 29.00 價格
9780226321424 圖書編碼

How We Think 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 技術哲學  哲學  後人類  信息技術  互聯網  理論  技術  MediaTechnology   

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Denoting that digit-tech changes the way we know. Retelling the différance experience from a digit-tech perspective. However problematic the Technogenesis she conceives, Hayles' proposition, combining modern progressivism with post-structuralist approach to epistemical research, provides alternative to object-oriented Speculative Realism.


Denoting that digit-tech changes the way we know. Retelling the différance experience from a digit-tech perspective. However problematic the Technogenesis she conceives, Hayles' proposition, combining modern progressivism with post-structuralist approach to epistemical research, provides alternative to object-oriented Speculative Realism.


Denoting that digit-tech changes the way we know. Retelling the différance experience from a digit-tech perspective. However problematic the Technogenesis she conceives, Hayles' proposition, combining modern progressivism with post-structuralist approach to epistemical research, provides alternative to object-oriented Speculative Realism.


Denoting that digit-tech changes the way we know. Retelling the différance experience from a digit-tech perspective. However problematic the Technogenesis she conceives, Hayles' proposition, combining modern progressivism with post-structuralist approach to epistemical research, provides alternative to object-oriented Speculative Realism.


Denoting that digit-tech changes the way we know. Retelling the différance experience from a digit-tech perspective. However problematic the Technogenesis she conceives, Hayles' proposition, combining modern progressivism with post-structuralist approach to epistemical research, provides alternative to object-oriented Speculative Realism.

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How We Think 在線電子書 圖書描述

How do we think? N. Katherine Hayles poses this question at the beginning of this bracing exploration of the idea that we think through, with, and alongside media. As the age of print passes and new technologies appear every day, this proposition has become far more complicated, particularly for the traditionally print-based disciplines in the humanities and qualitative social sciences. With a rift growing between digital scholarship and its print-based counterpart, Hayles argues for contemporary technogenesis-the belief that humans and technics are coevolving-and advocates for what she calls comparative media studies, a new approach to locating digital work within print traditions and vice versa. mines the evolution of the field from the traditional humanities and how the digital humanities are changing academic scholarship, research, teaching, and publication. She goes on to depict the neurological consequences of working in digital media, where skimming and scanning, or "hyper reading," and analysis through machine algorithms are forms of reading as valid as close reading once was. Hayles contends that we must recognize all three types of reading and understand the limitations and possibilities of each. In addition to illustrating what a comparative media perspective entails, Hayles explores the technogenesis spiral in its full complexity. She considers the effects of early databases such as telegraph code books and confronts our changing perceptions of time and space in the digital age, illustrating this through three innovative digital productions - Steve Tomasula's electronic novel, "TOC"; Steven Hall's "The Raw Shark Texts"; and Mark Z. Danielewski's "Only Revolutions". Deepening our understanding of the extraordinary transformative powers digital technologies have placed in the hands of humanists, "How We Think" presents a cogent rationale for tackling the challenges facing the humanities today.

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