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The Dharma Bums

Jack Kerouac 作者
Penguin Books
1976-5-27 出版日期
244 页数
USD 16.00 价格
9780140042528 图书编码

The Dharma Bums 在线电子书 图书标签: 达摩流浪者  杰克·克鲁亚克  垮掉的一代  小说  旅行  Kerouac  美国  外国文学   

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The Dharma Bums 在线电子书 用户评价

评分 fact Japhy mentioned that, turning to me after a half-hour's silence, "This is the way I like it, when you get going there's just no need to talk, as if we were animals and just communicated by silent telepathy."







评分 fact Japhy mentioned that, turning to me after a half-hour's silence, "This is the way I like it, when you get going there's just no need to talk, as if we were animals and just communicated by silent telepathy."

The Dharma Bums 在线电子书 著者简介

Jack Kerouac was born Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac on March 12, 1922, in Lowell, Massachusetts. Jack Kerouac's writing career began in the 1940s, but didn't meet with commercial success until 1957, when On the Road was published. The book became an American classic that defined the Beat Generation. Kerouac died on October 21, 1969, from an abdominal hemorrhage, at age 47.

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The Dharma Bums 在线电子书 图书描述

Two ebullient young men search for Truth the Zen way: from marathon wine-drinking bouts, poetry jam sessions, and "yabyum" in San Francisco's Bohemia to solitude in the high Sierras and a vigil atop Desolation Peak in Washington State. Published just a year after On the Road put the Beat Generation on the map, The Dharma Bums is sparked by Kerouac's expansiveness, humor, and a contagious zest for life.

One of the best and most popular of Kerouac's autobiographical novels, The Dharma Bums is based on experiences the writer had during the mid-1950s while living in California, after he'd become interested in Buddhism's spiritual mode of understanding. One of the book's main characters, Japhy Ryder, is based on the real poet Gary Snyder, who was a close friend and whose interest in Buddhism influenced Kerouac

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The Dharma Bums 在线电子书 读后感


只有在这样的生命面前,才能体会到自己过的是何其一种贩夫走卒的生活, 所谓生命的价值绝不等于有多少的钱,住多好的房子,在多高级的都市里过着多他妈“上等人”的生活。看着达摩流浪者,我明白,这是一个已经过去的时代一群已经逝去的圣灵。 我不确定今天是否还有贾菲这...  


一开始,我以为自己在这本书里找到了生活的本质,可是后来我选择了遗忘它。 2011年的夏天,我和室友乘着火车去拉萨。刚刚坐上车,室友便从书包里掏出一本书来读,那是我第一次知道杰克•凯鲁亚克这个人,第一次知道有一种态度叫“在路上”,知道有一群人此时此刻正遵循着他在...  


一开始,我以为自己在这本书里找到了生活的本质,可是后来我选择了遗忘它。 2011年的夏天,我和室友乘着火车去拉萨。刚刚坐上车,室友便从书包里掏出一本书来读,那是我第一次知道杰克•凯鲁亚克这个人,第一次知道有一种态度叫“在路上”,知道有一群人此时此刻正遵循着他在...  




回来了,带着剩下的十二块7毛,依旧被风刮倒了然后沾满泥的帐篷,装在八喜冰激凌带子里的登山鞋和晒蜕皮的脸还有五天没刮的络腮胡子,真TM给力。 回来的时候运气好到爆,原来现在的动车还有卧铺车厢改的,补了个无座然后进到软卧车厢后爬到二楼蜗居起来,把达摩流浪者...

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