Old School 在线电子书 图书标签: 小说 美国 教育 prepschool 文学 文化 外国文学 novel
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评分主角像面镜子,映射出一个苍白的自己。天气阴沉、与世隔绝的寄宿高中,敏感、迷茫又怀抱文学梦想的青春少年,令人费解、百无聊赖的日常生活;错过的Robert Frost、失去的Ayn Rand、没能等到的Ernest Hemingway……之后,情节急转直下。少年离开学校,走入曾经梦寐以求的纽约,但是以和预料截然不同的方式。看似散乱的故事交织一起,勾勒出某个遥幻而虚弱的世界。
评分上世纪新英格兰的美国高中男校,据说是以Hill School为背景创作的,书中提到的所有prepschool都是百年老校,对于现在的美高党也耳熟能详。在我眼中或许是Wolff笔力最佳的作品,语言精炼深刻,提到的所有作家作品都确有其人其事,也可当作一本当代书评。贯穿全文的两条线索相辅相成,一条当然是这所没名字的Old School,另一条就是被同样没名字的叙述者顶礼膜拜的海明威。诗歌,文学,创作,竞争,仰慕与批判,渴望与幻灭,茫然的激烈的,热情的冰冷的,刹那间浮出水面的灵感,和一念之差中荒唐灭顶的大错。最关键的一刻,海明威的轰然倒塌与叙述者遭受的驱逐相交错,一切结束得突然得不真实,而多年之后,回到那所Old School的,也再也不是那个“我”了。当局者迷,外人也无法理解其心境。
The protagonist of Tobias Wolff's shrewdly--and at times devastatingly--observed first novel is a boy at an elite prep school in 1960. He is an outsider who has learned to mimic the negligent manner of his more privileged classmates. Like many of them, he wants more than anything on earth to become a writer. But to do that he must first learn to tell the truth about himself. The agency of revelation is the school literary contest, whose winner will be awarded an audience with the most legendary writer of his time. As the fever of competition infects the boy and his classmates, fraying alliances, exposing weaknesses, Old School" "explores the ensuing deceptions and betrayals with an unblinking eye and a bottomless store of empathy. The result is further evidence that Wolff is an authentic American master.
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