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The Great Gatsby

[美] F·Scott Fitzgerald 作者
Penguin Books
2007-1-25 出版日期
192 页数
GBP 2.00 价格
9780140620184 图书编码

The Great Gatsby 在线电子书 图书标签: Fitzgerald  小说  美国  外国文学  Literature  英文原版  English  文学   

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The Great Gatsby 在线电子书 用户评价


the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men...最后一章的那个时间表真是戳中哭点看得我碎了一地玻璃心T-T


It does not proclaim the nobility of the human spirit; it is not politically correct; it does not reveal how to solve the problems of life; it delivers no fashionable or comforting messages. It is just a masterpiece.







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The Great Gatsby 在线电子书 图书描述

In 1922, F Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple, intricately patterned". That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned and, above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald's finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author's generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald's--and his country's--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... And one fine morning--" Gatsby's rise to glory and eventual fall from grace be comes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream.

It's also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel's more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy's patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties and waits for her to appear. When s he does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbour Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem. Perry Freeman,

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《了不起的盖茨比》中有一段非常普通的对话:第二章中,Tom带着Nick去见他的情妇Myrtle,随后三人一同坐火车前往纽约,在车站Myrtle看中了小贩兜售的一条狗,然后很矫情地问“Is it a boy or a girl?” Tom冷冷地回应“It's a bitch.” 李继宏居然翻译为“它是个婊子。”这是一...  


写在前面 《了不起的盖茨比》是打动我最深、对我影响最大的五部小说之一。有时候会有朋友问我:“我也读过这本书啊,没觉得有那么出众啊,怎么会对你如此这般?”。我仔细思考过这个问题,然后很庆幸的发现,我是在自己人生的最合适的阶段读到了这本书。 如果我是在25岁第一次...  


我们都曾坚持过什么,也许已经忘记,也许仍旧铭记却无力实现。 用了一周多的时间把这本书看了三遍,对于从来不看打着世界名著标签的书的自己,对于已经变得懒惰又恶俗的自己实属不易。 这仅仅是一个梦碎的故事,所有的情节所有的人物所有的跌宕也不过是为码头尽头的那盏绿灯...  


一直都不怎么喜欢菲茨杰拉德,直到喜欢上了村上春树。 在这之前,印象中的菲茨杰拉德是这样一个作家:阴柔、华美,热衷于书写贵公子和美丽的南方女郎的爱情游戏。那时候,一说起20世纪上半期的美国文学,就会想到海明威和福克纳。从他们的小说中,我看到两人的缄默和隐藏在其...  


前几天,有朋友问我,你相信命运是注定的么?我说,我相信性格决定命运,而性格是天生的。 盖茨比是谁?盖茨比是德国皇帝的表亲,盖茨比是德国间谍,盖茨比是杀人犯,盖茨比是西半岛的特里马尔乔--无休止的舞会供应者。可我们知道,盖茨比不是杰伊·盖茨比,盖茨比是詹姆...  

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