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The Things They Carried

Tim O'Brien 作者
1998-12-29 出版日期
246 页数
USD 14.95 价格
9780767902892 图书编码

The Things They Carried 在线电子书 图书标签: TimO'Brien  小说  美国  战争  越战  英文原版  外国文学  vietnam   

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I love it very very very very very much!






Things they carried can never be described truthfully.

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The Things They Carried 在线电子书 图书描述

"They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing--these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of cowardice.... Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to."

A finalist for both the 1990 Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award, The Things They Carried marks a subtle but definitive line of demarcation between Tim O'Brien's earlier works about Vietnam, the memoir If I Die in a Combat Zone and the fictional Going After Cacciato, and this sly, almost hallucinatory book that is neither memoir nor novel nor collection of short stories but rather an artful combination of all three. Vietnam is still O'Brien's theme, but in this book he seems less interested in the war itself than in the myriad different perspectives from which he depicts it. Whereas Going After Cacciato played with reality, The Things They Carried plays with truth. The narrator of most of these stories is "Tim"; yet O'Brien freely admits that many of the events he chronicles in this collection never really happened. He never killed a man as "Tim" does in "The Man I Killed," and unlike Tim in "Ambush," he has no daughter named Kathleen. But just because a thing never happened doesn't make it any less true. In "On the Rainy River," the character Tim O'Brien responds to his draft notice by driving north, to the Canadian border where he spends six days in a deserted lodge in the company of an old man named Elroy while he wrestles with the choice between dodging the draft or going to war. The real Tim O'Brien never drove north, never found himself in a fishing boat 20 yards off the Canadian shore with a decision to make. The real Tim O'Brien quietly boarded the bus to Sioux Falls and was inducted into the United States Army. But the truth of "On the Rainy River" lies not in facts but in the genuineness of the experience it depicts: both Tims went to a war they didn't believe in; both considered themselves cowards for doing so. Every story in The Things They Carried speaks another truth that Tim O'Brien learned in Vietnam; it is this blurred line between truth and reality, fact and fiction, that makes his book unforgettable. --Alix Wilber--This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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The Things They Carried 在线电子书 读后感


很少能有小说,在第一章,就叫人读得喘不过气来。 我对战争题材一向持规避态度,我受不了那种血腥、残忍、肮脏,我厌恶战争,厌恶这种野蛮而暴虐的争端解决方式,我很少看战争题材的电影,也不爱读战争小说。 但《The Things They Carried》第一句就吸引了我。中尉吉米一直带...  


很少能有小说,在第一章,就叫人读得喘不过气来。 我对战争题材一向持规避态度,我受不了那种血腥、残忍、肮脏,我厌恶战争,厌恶这种野蛮而暴虐的争端解决方式,我很少看战争题材的电影,也不爱读战争小说。 但《The Things They Carried》第一句就吸引了我。中尉吉米一直带...  


《深圳晚报》特稿) 战争是狂妄自大的人类用自己创设的先进文明倒戈一击,毁灭自我。作为人类史上最为冒险和刺激的游戏,它势必会成为诸多艺术家——比如作家和编剧导演——始终无法回避的题材。在第一部反映越南战争的小说《追寻卡奇亚托》获得美国国家图书奖后,作为一个参...  


一个士兵的精神崩溃/麻木历史。 他们carry的东西太多了。 Carry的东西既可以让他们生也可以让他们死。 不仅是肉体上的Carry,也有精神上的carry。 他们被动地选择carry不愿carry的东西。 是memory给的,是imagination给的,是羞愧感给的,是position system给的。 他们无法拒绝...  



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