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A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking 作者
1998-9-1 出版日期
212 頁數
USD 18.00 價格
9780553380163 圖書編碼

A Brief History of Time 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科普  物理  StephenHawking  科學  science  Physics  Hawking  Universe   

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這本書貴在把得到結論的過程和思路寫齣來瞭;雖然我覺得廣義相對論的部分可以更加詳細些,我讀感覺有些過於羅列結論,啓發性不足。還是有很多能刷新我的認識之處(比如naked singularity)和新的知識(比如primordial blackhole)。想象一下此起彼伏的理論建設和齣其不意的觀測建立起的繁雜的宇宙圖景,真不免讓人肅然起敬。文筆也異常清晰優美。關於時間的方嚮性的那一章最為令人醍醐灌頂。實際上,讀這本書讓我明白瞭另外一件事,Scientific American上麵為什麼有那麼多不成體係宇宙學的文章,原來它們全是本書的續集啊。


Gravity is always attractive; no wonder God abhors a naked blackhole: it doesn't even have hair. 和Hawking相比,我們何其幸運。Human justice is a small justice.





A Brief History of Time 在線電子書 著者簡介

史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking, 1942- ),現任劍橋大學盧卡斯數學教授。他廣被推崇為繼愛因斯坦後最傑齣的理論物理學傢。霍金的主要著作有《時間簡史》、《霍金講演錄——黑洞、嬰兒宇宙及其他》和《果殼中的宇宙》。

A Brief History of Time 在線電子書 著者簡介

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A Brief History of Time 在線電子書 圖書描述

Book Description

"A Brief History of Time", published in 1988, has been a landmark volume in scientific writing and in worldwide acclaim and popularity, with more than nine million copies sold. That edition was on the cutting edge of what was then known about the nature of the universe. Since its publication, however, there have been extraordinary advances in the technology of observing both the micro- and the macrocosmic world, confirming many of Professor Hawking's predictions. Eager to bring to his original text the new knowledge revealed by these observations, Hawking has written a new introduction, updated chapters throughout, and added an entirely new chapter on Wormholes and Time Travel.

"A Brief History of Time" has guided nonscientists everywhere to confront the supreme questions of the nature of time and the universe, taking them to distant galaxies, black holes, alternate dimensions — as close as man has ever ventured to the mind of God. This anniversary edition makes vividly clear why Professor Hawking's eloquent classic has transformed our view of the universe.


Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists today: Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? Hawking attempts to reveal these questions (and where we're looking for answers) using a minimum of technical jargon. Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of "the mind of God."

--Therese Littleton

From Library Journal

A new edition?with pictures?for those who couldn't fathom the original.

About Author

Stephen Hawking, who was born on the anniversary of Galileo's death in 1942, holds Isaac Newton's chair as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Widely regarded as the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein, he is also the author of Black Holes and Baby Universes, a collection of essays published in 1993, as well as numerous scientific papers and books.

Book Dimension :

length: (cm)22.8             width:(cm)15.5




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A Brief History of Time 在線電子書 讀後感


初识《时间简史》要回溯到五、六年前,那时的我和同班女生还沉迷在爱因斯坦的大脑构成中不可自拔,突然听说有了本描述宇宙的书,而且作者还是大名鼎鼎的Stephen Hawking(史蒂芬•霍金),立马赶去校外的书店扫荡。可惜书店老板竟以“内容太晦涩”为由只进了一本,权衡再三...  


这个书有多好看不用我去介绍,补充一点虚数时间与宇宙起源的相关知识,可以说明虚数时间的必要性。 美国特副兹大学的亚历山大 维兰金博士在1982年发表了他的“宇宙由虚无创生论”,那就是基于存在虚数时间的假设提出的一种宇宙起源假说。由于虚无发生涨落而诞生出来的宇宙种子...  





物理学的玄妙之处,在于最精妙的理论,往往是最简单的——题记 1st mov Scherzo —— 乌龟塔风景 《时间简史》的开头,讲了一个有趣的故事。说一位著名的科学家在作完一次关于天文学的演讲后,被一位老妇人全盘反驳了所有观点。老妇人说“世界,实际上是驮在大乌龟背上的...  

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