Ex Libris 在线电子书 图书标签: essays 随笔 关于书的书 英文原版 美国文学 类型-关于书的书 私语时间 文學
Ex Libris 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
原来中文翻作书趣 翻得真好 这么有趣的书真是要慢慢看的 看完了会失落的呢
评分很多年前美國國會圖書館辦了一本雜誌叫做Civilization(曲高和寡,沒幾年就結束營業),其中我最愛看的就是Anne Fadiman在上頭的專欄.Fadiman一家都是書蟲(她父親最有名的一本書,叫做"一生的讀書計劃"),她的專欄裡頭講的全是各式各樣的書有關的事情,集結成書,就是這本Ex Libris.對我這個book nerd而言,讀起來真是大有吾道不孤之感,只可惜當年雜誌裡頭同樣精彩的漫畫沒放進來,不然就完美了.
评分Quirky and interesting at times, and the rest of the time..what an tiresome pedantic show-off!
安妮·法迪曼(Anne Fadiman),生于美国纽约市,在康涅狄格州和洛杉矶长大,毕业于哈佛大学。毕业后,她在怀俄明州当野外探险向导,后来回到纽约从事写作。曾任《生活》杂志的特约撰稿人,《文明》杂志编辑和《美国学人》编辑。她的第一本书《鬼怪抓住你,你就跌倒了》(The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down,FSG,1997)获“美国国家书评奖”,她还写有随笔集《书趣》(Ex Libris),编有《经典重温》(Rereadings,FSG,2005)等作品。她现与家人住在马萨诸塞州西部,并担任耶鲁大学弗朗西斯住校作家。
Anne Fadiman is--by her own admission--the sort of person who learned about sex from her father's copy of "Fanny Hill," whose husband buys her 19 pounds of dusty books for her birthday, and who once found herself poring over her roommate's 1974 Toyota Corolla manual because it was the only written material in the apartment that she had not read at least twice. This witty collection of essays recounts a lifelong love affair with books and language. For Fadiman, as for many passionate readers, the books she loves have become chapters in her own life story. Writing with remarkable grace, she revives the tradition of the well-crafted personal essay, moving easily from anecdotes about Coleridge and Orwell to tales of her own pathologically literary family. As someone who played at blocks with her father's 22-volume set of Trollope ("My Ancestral Castles") and who only really considered herself married when she and her husband had merged collections ("Marrying Libraries"), she is exquisitely well equipped to expand upon the art of inscriptions, the perverse pleasures of compulsive proof-reading, the allure of long words, and the satisfactions of reading out loud. There is even a foray into pure literary gluttony--Charles Lamb liked buttered muffin crumbs between the leaves, and Fadiman knows of more than one reader who literally consumes page corners. Perfectly balanced between humor and erudition, "Ex Libris" establishes Fadiman as one of our finest contemporary essayists.
关于书的书 ——读安妮·法迪曼的《书趣——一个普通读者的自白》 安妮·法迪曼说,凡是讨论书的书,我一向都难于拒绝。于是,遇到她写的《书趣——一个普通读者的自白》,我也就不拒绝了,其实也拒绝不了。 正如书名,这确是一本有趣的书。...
评分这本书是让人一眼就喜欢上的那种,从翻开书页那张素淡的藏书票开始,就让人想拥在怀中. 当然,更不用说书里那些同为书虫的共鸣和心声了,让你觉得一下子找到知音的快乐,从小到大,家里人对我捧本书的样子颇为不屑,都认为读书是件很没有用的事情,只会把人读呆,对生活没...
评分这本书我最早看的是繁体,简体出版我已经等了好多年了。 那时我还在上大学。我清楚的记得,对这本书的热爱让我在一个暑假跑到国图不外借的图书室里,一字一句的想要将它敲出来——影印每张要2块钱。 当然这和我所有的兴趣爱好一样,在持续了不到3章后就放弃了。 这么多年后...
评分我穿了件我最喜欢的米色毛衣,上一次穿过后就用金纺浸泡,它还残留着淡淡的香味,是我熟悉的。随手翻着美国当代最优秀的随笔散文作家安妮·法迪曼的《书趣——一个普通读者的自白》,九点就着白开水吃完了整袋(6只)椰球豆沙小面包,狼吞虎咽的,总是没饱。 书的纸张有些粗糙...
Ex Libris 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025