The Mystic Masseur 在线电子书 图书标签: Naipaul 印度 外国文学 亞洲 post-colonialism colonialism V.S.奈保尔 N
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评分So interesting
奈保尔(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul),英籍印度裔作家。1932年8月17日出生于中美洲特立尼达和多巴哥。18岁赴牛津大学求学,获得文学学士学位后定居英国。曾任BBC“加勒比之声”栏目主持人3年。游走世界各地写作多年,批判发展中社会的精神和物质的双重匮乏,语多辛辣诙谐。主要作包括《灵异推拿师》(约翰·卢埃林·里斯纪念奖),《米格尔大街》(萨莫塞特·毛姆奖),《黑暗之地》,《印度:一个伤痕累累的文明》,《自由国度》(1971年布克奖),《河湾》,《半生》,《魔种》等。1990年获英国皇室封爵;1993年,成为英国大卫·柯恩文学奖首位获奖者,该奖旨在表彰“尚在人世的英国作家一生的成就”。2001年,因“作品中兼具犀利的叙述与正直的洞察,迫使我们正视那些被压抑的历史的存在”,被授予诺贝尔文学奖。
In this slyly funny and lavishly inventive novel–his first–V. S. Naipaul traces the unlikely career of Ganesh Ramsumair, a failed schoolteacher and impecunious village masseur who in time becomes a revered mystic, a thriving entrepreneur, and the most beloved politician in Trinidad. To understand a little better, one has to realize that in the 1940s masseurs were the island’s medical practitioners of choice. As one character observes, “I know the sort of doctors they have in Trinidad. They think nothing of killing two, three people before breakfast.”
Ganesh’s ascent is variously aided and impeded by a Dickensian cast of rogues and eccentrics. There’s his skeptical wife, Leela, whose schooling has made her excessively, fond. of; punctuation: marks!; and Leela’s father, Ramlogan, a man of startling mood changes and an ever-ready cutlass. There’s the aunt known as The Great Belcher. There are patients pursued by malign clouds or afflicted with an amorous fascination with bicycles. Witty, tender, filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of Trinidad’s dusty Indian villages, The Mystic Masseur is Naipaul at his most expansive and evocative.
成功的主人公通了什么灵? 第一次驱走小男孩乌云的通灵,是撬动了“个人愚昧”,利用了“非正式的民间传播”之灵; 第二次的成功,是通了“民间小报”和“传销式的政党分部扩张”手法的灵; 第三次成为勋爵是随着时代的进步,“紧紧抱住英国主子”,挤入顶层社会的灵而成为勋爵...
评分在一个治病主要靠按摩师的、巴掌大的小地方——特立尼达,一个大学生横空出世。一个终日炎热、人口稀少、只能种植甘蔗的干旱偏僻却被称为泉水的小村庄,竟见识了现代社会的时髦玩法。 受外来资本社会力量的冲击,当地移民不仅继承了祖先的印度宗教传统,还对书本学识等有很高崇...
评分躺在病床上,腿骨痛得快要断了的我,忍不住一下笑出声来。 奈保尔在他的第一本小说THE MYSTIC MASSEUR中,讲了一个他的家乡的荒诞小说。人人谈吐不俗,尽是语法不正确的英文,遥远的殖民地气息,真实而又有点亲切。 话说一堆当地的阿猫阿狗当选为议员之后,英国总督请客。席间...
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