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The Luminaries 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

The Luminaries

Eleanor Catton 作者
Little Brown and Company
2013-10-15 出版日期
848 页数
USD 27.00 价格
9780316074315 图书编码

The Luminaries 在线电子书 图书标签: 布克奖  小说  EleanorCatton  英国  英国文学  埃莉诺·卡顿  2013  新西兰   

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The Luminaries 在线电子书 用户评价


A click-on sparkle leads me to her. And I cant get rid of any stellar or planetary luring..Finish reading and feel so much worth it! early morning on 20/11/2013


描述太多 反而淡化了情节代入感 读得有些吃力


可读性很强,Page turner,但以畅销剧情类的标准,太长太绕;以严肃文学的标准,缺乏内核;模仿19世纪文风,越往后写得越稀松。怎么得奖的?


实在看不完 大约还有四分之一我弃了 全程非常乏味 淘金 seance 这样的题材都写不出好内容i don't know what?? 我好像还在网站上等了一阵子的蓝色软本 偶尔丢一些占星知识出来也是非常浅显 还不如占星术杀人事件有创意 看的不是内容 是期待


"writers'/critics' wet dream"

The Luminaries 在线电子书 著者简介

Born in Canada and raised in New Zealand, Eleanor Catton, 27, completed an MA in Creative Writing at Victoria University in 2007 and won the Adam Prize in Creative Writing for her first novel, The Rehearsal, which was also long-listed for the Orange Prize and short-listed for the Dylan Thomas Prize. She studied at the Iowa Writers' Workshop as the recipient of the 2008 Glenn Schaeffer Fellowship. She lives in New Zealand.

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The Luminaries 在线电子书 图书描述

From the acclaimed author of The Rehearsal comes a novel about a young woman on trial for murder in nineteenth-century New Zealand.

On a blustery January day, a prostitute is arrested. In the midst of the 1866 gold rush on the coast of New Zealand, this might have gone unnoticed. But three notable events occur on that same day: a luckless drunk dies, a wealthy man vanishes, and a ship's captain of ill repute cancels all of his business and weighs anchor, as if making an escape. Anna Wetherell, the prostitute in question, is connected to all three men.

This sequence of apparently coincidental events provokes a secret council of powerful townsmen to investigate. But they are interrupted by the arrival of a stranger: young Walter Moody, who has a secret of his own...

THE LUMINARIES is an intricately crafted feat of storytelling, a mystery that reveals the ways our interconnected lives reshape our destinies.

Winner of the 2013 Man Booker Prize

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The Luminaries 在线电子书 读后感


之前读完的时候就对原书末尾附的作者的一篇采访印象颇深,因为从中我或多或少了解了作者的一些意图,也帮助我理解了她创造人物性格时的动机。于是我当时就决定想自己把它翻出来,也希望给想要了解这本书多一点和对这本书感兴趣的读者一点帮助。 这里想多说一句的是,在读完这本...  



今年年头的时候,南半球的夏天,我和好友S去新西兰游玩,因为不是自驾,全程几乎都是坐大巴。新西兰的大巴司机挺有意思,路上会带上麦克风和旅客聊风景。然后某一程上,司机大叔介绍了一本小说,说这本小说讲新西兰淘金时代的故事,好评如潮,他的原话是’international sensat...  


今年年头的时候,南半球的夏天,我和好友S去新西兰游玩,因为不是自驾,全程几乎都是坐大巴。新西兰的大巴司机挺有意思,路上会带上麦克风和旅客聊风景。然后某一程上,司机大叔介绍了一本小说,说这本小说讲新西兰淘金时代的故事,好评如潮,他的原话是’international sensat...  


In 2011, former MI5 chief, Dame Stella Rimington, stirred a controversy, when as the chair of the Booker Prize jury, she stressed upon readability as one of the driving criteria for their judgement. Another judge clarified that the plot has to zip along. Th...  

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