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The Talented Mr. Ripley

Patricia Highsmith 作者
W. W. Norton & Company
2008-5-19 出版日期
288 页数
GBP 9.99 价格
9780393332148 图书编码

The Talented Mr. Ripley 在线电子书 图书标签: 犯罪  PatriciaHighsmith  悬疑  美国  英文原版  小说  英文  Ripley   

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The Talented Mr. Ripley 在线电子书 用户评价




从这本书开始 第一次过渡到成人向小说 很多时候都读得挺吃力的 二三十个单词长度的句子里面就有六七个生词的情况太多了 还有很多超长的句子 读到后面发现已经都能适应了 短时记忆增强了 对长句子也读的多了 增强阅读能力的途径就是多读 坚持读 无他 惟眼熟尔


Minghella的那部电影整体印象已经模糊了,但头发和笑容都晃得人睁不开眼的Jude Law还真是Dickie的样子,日子过得没心没肺没责任,然后不明不白地横死。意大利的阳光下面,真是适合杀人。Ripley那个拼命想摒弃掉的自己,模糊的性向,把自己都说服的谎言,不知道该敬佩还是同情才好。


I haven't seen the movie yet, but the book is a bore. Nothing's extraordinary except Ripley's complicated gay feelings, which is fun to reflect upon. No meticulous plans, no smart improvisations, only shoddy excuses with massive amount of dumb luck. The crimes are one joke after another, flouting common stupidity right in the face.



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The Talented Mr. Ripley 在线电子书 图书描述


Ripley is back. This new publication of Patricia Highsmith's classic inaugurates the complete Ripley series at Norton. Since his debut in 1955, Tom Ripley has evolved into the ultimate bad boy sociopath, influencing countless novelists and filmmakers. In this first novel, we are introduced to suave, handsome Tom Ripley: a young striver, newly arrived in the heady world of Manhattan in the 1950s. A product of a broken home, branded a "sissy" by his dismissive Aunt Dottie, Ripley becomes enamored of the moneyed world of his new friend, Dickie Greenleaf. This fondness turns obsessive when Ripley is sent to Italy to bring back his libertine pal but grows enraged by Dickie's ambivalent feelings for Marge, a charming American dilettante. A dark reworking of Henry James's The Ambassadors, The Talented Mr. Ripley —immortalized in the 1998 film starring Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gywneth Paltrow—is an unforgettable introduction to this debonair confidence man, whose talent for self-invention and calculated murder is chronicled in four subsequent novels.

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The Talented Mr. Ripley 在线电子书 读后感


I read “Strangers on a Train” first, and I am not really a fan of this narrative or style. Bruno was more like a depressive sociopath who was obsessed with murder, betrayal, and a passionate hatred for his father. The story was more focused on the inner w...


I read “Strangers on a Train” first, and I am not really a fan of this narrative or style. Bruno was more like a depressive sociopath who was obsessed with murder, betrayal, and a passionate hatred for his father. The story was more focused on the inner w...


I read “Strangers on a Train” first, and I am not really a fan of this narrative or style. Bruno was more like a depressive sociopath who was obsessed with murder, betrayal, and a passionate hatred for his father. The story was more focused on the inner w...


I read “Strangers on a Train” first, and I am not really a fan of this narrative or style. Bruno was more like a depressive sociopath who was obsessed with murder, betrayal, and a passionate hatred for his father. The story was more focused on the inner w...


I read “Strangers on a Train” first, and I am not really a fan of this narrative or style. Bruno was more like a depressive sociopath who was obsessed with murder, betrayal, and a passionate hatred for his father. The story was more focused on the inner w...

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