What If it's Not Alzheimer's 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

What If it's Not Alzheimer's

Radin, Lisa (EDT)/ Radin, Gary (EDT) 作者
Prometheus Books
2008-4 出版日期
360 頁數
$ 25.97 價格
9781591025849 圖書編碼

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What If it's Not Alzheimer's 在線電子書 圖書描述

This book includes vital information on Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Foreword is given by John Q Trojanowski, MD, PhD, Director, Alzheimer's Disease Center, University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Although the public most often associates dementia with Alzheimer's disease, the medical profession now distinguishes various types of 'other' dementias. This book is the first comprehensive guide dealing with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), one of the largest groups of non-Alzheimer's dementias. The contributors are either specialists in their fields or have exceptional hands-on experience with FTD sufferers. Beginning with a focus on the medical facts, the first part defines and explores FTD as an illness distinct from Alzheimer's disease. Also considered are clinical and medical care issues and practices, as well as such topics as finding a medical team and rehabilitation interventions. The next section on managing care examines the daily care routine including exercise, socialisation, adapting the home environment, and behavioural issues. In the following section on caregiver resources, the contributors identify professional and government assistance programs along with private resources and legal options. This newly revised edition follows recent world-wide collaboration in research and provides the most current medical information available, a better understanding of the different classifications of FTD, and more clarity regarding the role of genetics. A completely new chapter 5 enlightens the reader about the various drugs that are now being used with FTD patients and also delves into a number of non-medical options. The wealth of information offered in these pages will help both healthcare professionals and caregivers of someone suffering from frontotemporal dementia.

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