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[美] Bjarne Stroustrup 作者
Addison-Wesley Professional
2014-5-25 出版日期
1312 页数
USD 74.99 价格
9780321992789 图书编码

Programming 在线电子书 图书标签: C++  程序设计  Programming  Bjarne_Stroustrup  计算机  编程  歐洲  丹麥   

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读过了Primer与Modern C++。现在在读C++历史,顺便快速得过一遍C++他爹的C++教程。后半年的一项主要任务。


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Programming 在线电子书 著者简介

Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++, as well as the author of The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2013), and A Tour of C++ (Addison-Wesley, 2014) and many popular and academic publications. Dr. Stroustrup is a managing director at Morgan Stanley in New York City, as well as a visiting professor at Columbia University and a Research distinguished professor at Texas A&M University. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, design, programming techniques, software development tools, and programming languages. He is actively involved in the ISO standardization of C++.

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Programming 在线电子书 图书描述

An Introduction to Programming by the Inventor of C++

Preparation for Programming in the Real World

The book assumes that you aim eventually to write non-trivial programs, whether for work in software development or in some other technical field.

Focus on Fundamental Concepts and Techniques

The book explains fundamental concepts and techniques in greater depth than traditional introductions. This approach will give you a solid foundation for writing useful, correct, maintainable, and efficient code.

Programming with Today’s C++ (C++11 and C++14)

The book is an introduction to programming in general, including object-oriented programming and generic programming. It is also a solid introduction to the C++ programming language, one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. The book presents modern C++ programming techniques from the start,

introducing the C++ standard library and C++11 and C++14 features to simplify programming tasks.

For Beginners—And Anyone Who Wants to Learn Something New

The book is primarily designed for people who have never programmed before, and it has been tested with many thousands of first-year university students. It has also been extensively used for self-study. Also, practitioners and advanced students have gained new insight and guidance by seeing how a master approaches the elements of his art.

Provides a Broad View

The first half of the book covers a wide range of essential concepts, design and programming techniques, language features, and libraries. Those will enable you to write programs involving input, output, computation, and simple graphics. The second half explores more specialized topics (such as text processing, testing, and the C programming language) and provides abundant reference material. Source code and support supplements are available from the author’s website.

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Programming 在线电子书 读后感


作为一本C++的书,却包含了程序设计方法学,是非常难能可贵的,也是本书最大的特色之一。这本书是程序设计方法学和实践相结合以C++为基础的经典著作。 所以无论是初学者,还是有一定经验的程序员,或者资深的专家,这本书对你都是相当的有意义的书。 书中的几个列...  


这本书已经看完了几个月,一直想写点什么,又不知从何说起。今天看到Linus对C++的一些批评,和这本书结合起来看,还有点意思。(Linus对C++的批评不是偶然的心血来潮,07年的时候就说过“C++ is a horrible language”,这次则说“It's a really bad language, in my opinion. ...  


该书吸引我眼球的是C++之父又一力作。所以学习使用C++的程序员当然不容错过。 说实话,我从学习到使用C++已接近十年的时间,按说C++方面使用已经相当熟练没必要再捧着书从程序设计原理方面啃读。当看了几章内容后感叹原来自以为是的想法有点幼稚了。越是深入的看越是感觉相见恨...  


首先,感谢CU这个平台,让我得到一个学习C++的机会,感谢华章提供的图书。 书拿到手上,从重量和厚度就知道,它绝对是一本全面的教材。因为全面,所以本书涉及的诸多内容,只是一个很基础性的讲解。比如,GUI、数据结构与算法、嵌入式等方面。当然,这些方面都...  



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