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Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned

Kenneth O Stanley 作者
2015-5-5 出版日期
141 页数
USD 29.99 价格
9783319155234 图书编码

Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned 在线电子书 图书标签: 思维  方法  方法論  科普  英文  科学  进化论  要读   

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If you do not know how to achieve greatness, then planing is meaningless. You should just focus on novelty, and wish you would achieve greatness by chance. If you do know how to achieve greatness, then chances are that greatness is not great at all. (Exception not covered by the book: you know how to achieve greatness, while others do not know.)




If you do not know how to achieve greatness, then planing is meaningless. You should just focus on novelty, and wish you would achieve greatness by chance. If you do know how to achieve greatness, then chances are that greatness is not great at all. (Exception not covered by the book: you know how to achieve greatness, while others do not know.)





Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned 在线电子书 著者简介

Kenneth O. Stanley and coauthor Joel Lehman are both experienced artificial intelligence researchers whose scientific discoveries led to the insights in “Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned.” Stanley, an associate professor at the University of Central Florida, has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles (10 of which have won best paper awards) and is regularly invited to speak at venues across the world. Lehman is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. In August 2015 he begins as an assistant professor at the IT University of Copenhagen.

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Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned 在线电子书 图书描述

Why does modern life revolve around objectives? From how science is funded, to improving how children are educated -- and nearly everything in-between -- our society has become obsessed with a seductive illusion: that greatness results from doggedly measuring improvement in the relentless pursuit of an ambitious goal. In Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, Stanley and Lehman begin with a surprising scientific discovery in artificial intelligence that leads ultimately to the conclusion that the objective obsession has gone too far. They make the case that great achievement can't be bottled up into mechanical metrics; that innovation is not driven by narrowly focused heroic effort; and that we would be wiser (and the outcomes better) if instead we whole-heartedly embraced serendipitous discovery and playful creativity.

Controversial at its heart, yet refreshingly provocative, this book challenges readers to consider life without a destination and discovery without a compass.

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