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Lessons of the Masters

George Steiner 作者
Harvard University Press
2003-11-4 出版日期
208 頁數
USD 19.95 價格
9780674012073 圖書編碼

Lessons of the Masters 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 哲學  英文  Steiner,  George_Steiner  英語  教育理論  教育學  開捲八分鍾   

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Lessons of the Masters 在線電子書 用戶評價


@2014-11-11 15:16:23


封麵? No mechanical means, however expeditious, no materialism, however triumphant, can eradicate the daybreak we experience when we have understood a Master. That joy does nothing to alleviate death. But it makes one rage at its waste. Is there no time for another lesson?


@2014-11-11 15:16:23


封麵? No mechanical means, however expeditious, no materialism, however triumphant, can eradicate the daybreak we experience when we have understood a Master. That joy does nothing to alleviate death. But it makes one rage at its waste. Is there no time for another lesson?


封麵? No mechanical means, however expeditious, no materialism, however triumphant, can eradicate the daybreak we experience when we have understood a Master. That joy does nothing to alleviate death. But it makes one rage at its waste. Is there no time for another lesson?

Lessons of the Masters 在線電子書 著者簡介

喬治.史坦納(George Steiner)

1929年生,牛津大學博士,歷任普林斯頓大學、劍橋大學、日內瓦大學及牛津大學比較文學教授,2001年起任哈佛大學諾頓講座教授,為當代重要文學評論傢,其著作多年來深獲好評,其《巴別塔之後︰語言翻譯麵麵觀》(After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation)與《藍鬍子城堡︰對文化再定義之討論》(In Bluebeard’s Castle: Some Notes Toward the Redefinition of Culture)均已成為經典著作。



Lessons of the Masters 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Lessons of the Masters 在線電子書 圖書描述

When we talk about education, we tend to avoid the rhetoric of "mastery", with its erotic and inegalitarian overtones. But the charged personal encounter between master and disciple is precisely what interests George Steiner in this book, a sustained reflection on the infinitely complex and subtle interplay of power, trust and passions in the most profound sorts of pedagogy. Based on Steiner's Norton Lectures on the art and lore of teaching, "Lessons of the Masters" evokes a host of exemplary figures including Socrates and Plato, Jesus and his disciples, Virgil and Dante, Heloise and Abelard, Tycho Brahe and Johann Kepler, the Baal Shem Tov, Confucian and Buddhist sages, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, Nadia Boulanger, and Knute Rockne. Pivotal in the unfolding of Western culture are Socrates and Jesus, charismatic masters who left no written teachings, founded no schools. In the efforts of their disciples, in the passion narratives inspired by their deaths, Steiner sees the beginnings of the inward vocabulary, the encoded recognitions of much of our moral, philosophical and theological idiom. He goes on to consider a diverse array of traditions and disciplines, recurring throughout, to three underlying themes: the master's power to exploit his student's dependence and vulnerability; the complementary threat of subversion and betrayal of the mentor by his pupil; and the reciprocal exchange of trust and love, of learning and instruction between master and disciple.

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