Warlight 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024


Michael Ondaatje 作者
Knopf Publishing Group
2018-5-8 出版日期
304 页数
GBP 20.26 价格
9780525521198 图书编码

Warlight 在线电子书 图书标签: 小说  MichaelOndaatje  英国  英文  Fiction  英文原版  英国文学  文学   

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Warlight 在线电子书 用户评价


科威特jarir书店购得,被第一句吸引了 书的质量非常好,非常舒适,纸张厚度和触感很美妙,和书里的文字一样美妙 少年的思绪很丰满,清晰,而不混乱 夜晚的泰晤士河神秘奇幻,夜里漂行的人更以何处为家,隐藏了什么样的秘密? 这是那种拿起来放不下的小说,很难讲什么吸引了你,也许是某一个人物的某一个动作,或者整体的晕染的气氛,忽明忽暗,若隐若现,情感如此,不是亲情的亲情,似爱情的爱情。一个少年,能承担的,也仅限如此吧,不能更多 上半部迷幻,下半部悬疑+狗血,working mother,到底干了啥,与felcon的过往没有来由和逻辑,一个年轻母亲偶遇少女时代的恋人并追随他走上间谍之路,一个很不清晰的人物又被虚化了的房顶上的男人所掩盖。结尾很无语,讲Anges。这是warlight给人的印记吧


4 把二戰這個爛大街的題材玩出新花樣不是易事,把視角放在追尋真相的少年身上,真正的主角是戰後處於迷霧夜色裡的英國。離Ondaatje最好的水平有一段距離,但還是足夠精彩細膩。Rose延續他筆下女主背負著神秘過去的歷史,在天空翱翔自由的Olive有點像Anil,反而男主角最後那個驚天秘密頗為狗血。


对于人生残缺的篇章,有的人执意舍去,像姐姐Rachel,有的人长久凝视,固执要找到那些“我本该知道的”答案,正如Nat。而当我一次次重返故事,看到特工母亲用尽方式保护子女周全,却对自己缺席的原因讳莫如深,看到Nat时常怀疑父母离场的那段时间自己到底拥有过什么,等到母亲最终归来,换来的也只是沉默,‘I grew up with your silence...’,终于明白家国使命,人心阻隔,缺席的日子早已在两人之间划出长路迢迢。 时间力拨千钧,而人能挽回的太少,Rachel对弟弟说‘we are damaged, choose your own life’,其实是对的。 我以为我可以在这个故事里,为那些离散的遗憾找到偿还,但原来生活中无法做到的,在故事中也同样无能为力。那些独自穿越的





Warlight 在线电子书 著者简介

Michael Ondaatje is the author of six previous novels, a memoir, a nonfiction book on film, and several books of poetry. The English Patient won the Booker Prize; Anil's Ghost won the Irish Times International Fiction Prize, the Giller Prize, and the Prix Médicis. Born in Sri Lanka, Michael Ondaatje now lives in Toronto.

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Warlight 在线电子书 图书描述

From the internationally acclaimed, best-selling author of The English Patient: a mesmerizing new novel that tells a dramatic story set in the decade after World War II through the lives of a small group of unexpected characters and two teenagers whose lives are indelibly shaped by their unwitting involvement.

In a narrative as beguiling and mysterious as memory itself--shadowed and luminous at once--we read the story of fourteen-year-old Nathaniel, and his older sister, Rachel. In 1945, just after World War II, they stay behind in London when their parents move to Singapore, leaving them in the care of a mysterious figure named The Moth. They suspect he might be a criminal, and they grow both more convinced and less concerned as they come to know his eccentric crew of friends: men and women joined by a shared history of unspecified service during the war, all of whom seem, in some way, determined now to protect, and educate (in rather unusual ways) Rachel and Nathaniel. But are they really what and who they claim to be? And what does it mean when the siblings' mother returns after months of silence without their father, explaining nothing, excusing nothing? A dozen years later, Nathaniel begins to uncover all that he didn't know and understand in that time, and it is this journey--through facts, recollection, and imagination--that he narrates in this masterwork from one of the great writers of our time.

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Warlight 在线电子书 读后感



“1945 年,我们的父母走了,把我们留给两个可能是罪犯的人照看。”(In 1945 our parents went away and left us in the care of two men who may have been criminals.) 这是《战时灯火》开头的第一句话。如果去掉时间 1945 年和地点伦敦,完全可以直接开始一个续写大赛,让走...  


很多事情,我们有时候很久很久都不能忘, 也许是一些开心的事儿, 也许是一些伤心的事儿。 开心的事情最后变成了美好的回忆, 而伤心的事情最后变成了心里的一根刺。 曾经一个朋友提到过有仇当场就报, 确实, 谁也没有那个闲工夫去记仇,当场就报算得上一个态度。 也相当的洒...  



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