Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science 在线电子书 图书标签: 方法论 Methodology 政治学 研究方法 政治科学 方法 学术 国际政治
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作者的有些想法还是挺好的,例如认为“想要验证一个理论,证明理论的assumption和实际不符其实并没有证明这个理论是对的还是错的,但是可以影响理论的utility”。算是解决了我长久以来的一个疑惑。 原来我以前看过中文版。 Van Evera提到的hoop test, smoking gun test, doubly decisive test和straw in the wind 是从来测试理论的,也就是从theory出发找到prediction,然后通过检测prediction与事实是否相符来支持或者否定理论,而判断一个test的强弱,看的是theory和prediction之间的关系(certain and unique)。
评分good but dry
Stephen Van Evera is Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Associate Director of the MIT Center for International Studies. He is the author of Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict, also from Cornell.
スティーヴン・ヴァン・エヴェラ(Stephen Van Evera)
ハーヴァード大学政治学部卒業。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校大学院政治学部博士課程修了,Ph.D.(政治学)取得。現在,マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)政治学部教授。専攻は国際関係論,政治学方法論,国際安全保障,アメリカ外交。主著『戦争の原因(Causes of War)』は,関連する学術文献のなかでもっとも頻繁に引用される文献のひとつ。
Stephen Van Evera greeted new graduate students at MIT with a commonsense introduction to qualitative methods in the social sciences. His helpful hints, always warmly received, grew from a handful of memos to an underground classic primer. That primer evolved into a book of how-to information about graduate study, which is essential reading for graduate students and undergraduates in political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, and history - and for their advisers.
-How should we frame, assess, and apply theories in the social sciences? "I am unpersuaded by the view that the prime rules of scientific method should differ between hard science and social science. Science is science."
-A section on case studies shows novices the ropes.
-Van Evera contends the realm of dissertations is often defined too narrowly Making and testing theories are not the only games in town. . . . If everyone makes and tests theories but no one ever uses them, then what are they for?"
-In "Helpful Hints on Writing a Political Science Ph.D. Dissertation," Van Evera focuses on presentation, and on broader issues of academic strategy and tactics.
-Van Evera asks how political scientists should work together as a community. All institutions and professions that face weak accountability need inner ethical rudders that define their obligations in order to stay on course."
すぐれた論文を書くノウハウとは? 全米の大学でつかわれている定番テキストをついに完訳! 社会科学のエッセンスを伝授します。
社会科学方法論の定番テキストGuide to Methods for Students of Political Scienceを待望の完訳! 「変数ってなに? 理論の検証ってどうやるの? 事例研究でなにがわかるの?」 こんな疑問に簡潔かつ的確に答え,すぐれた論文の書き方も手ほどきする。訳者による文献案内つき。
评分对研究的具体操作讲的很详细,虽然没有谈量的方法,基本的思维方式说得非常清晰。 政治学大多数领域无法做实验,怎么提炼有效的相关关系,推断因果关系,这本书有详尽的介绍。 建议和大卫·马什的书对照读。
Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025