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Damned Lies and Statistics

Joel Best 作者
University of California Press
2001-5-8 出版日期
190 頁數
USD 24.95 價格
9780520219786 圖書編碼

Damned Lies and Statistics 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 統計  統計學  Statistics  英文原版  李笑來  社會學  JoelBest  舶來書   

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Damned Lies and Statistics 在線電子書 用戶評價


開頭:有點囉嗦有點太通俗,但是好喜歡這種學者語氣 中間:誒有意思,舉的例子都好好玩,作者知道的真多!思維好跳躍但又很妙 結尾:睿智啊!!不知不覺highlight瞭一整麵…… btw好像窺見瞭ruc統計學的秘密


統計數據往往被當作事實的真實反映而被人們全盤接受,正因如此統計更容易被政府,公司或社會活動傢當作實現自己目的的工具。以前特彆怕聽到那種“給我數據你想要什麼結論我都能弄齣來”的言論,本書教你如何辨彆類似的統計陷阱,看到數據時不盲目相信,多溯源多考證多問研究步驟,寫得也特彆通俗全是說的人話。Statistics are not magical. Nor are they always true--or always false.


統計數據往往被當作事實的真實反映而被人們全盤接受,正因如此統計更容易被政府,公司或社會活動傢當作實現自己目的的工具。以前特彆怕聽到那種“給我數據你想要什麼結論我都能弄齣來”的言論,本書教你如何辨彆類似的統計陷阱,看到數據時不盲目相信,多溯源多考證多問研究步驟,寫得也特彆通俗全是說的人話。Statistics are not magical. Nor are they always true--or always false.


開頭:有點囉嗦有點太通俗,但是好喜歡這種學者語氣 中間:誒有意思,舉的例子都好好玩,作者知道的真多!思維好跳躍但又很妙 結尾:睿智啊!!不知不覺highlight瞭一整麵…… btw好像窺見瞭ruc統計學的秘密



Damned Lies and Statistics 在線電子書 著者簡介

Damned Lies and Statistics 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Damned Lies and Statistics 在線電子書 圖書描述

Does the number of children gunned down double each year? Does anorexia kill 150,000 young women annually? Do white males account for only a sixth of new workers? Startling statistics shape our thinking about social issues. But all too often, these numbers are wrong. This book is a lively guide to spotting bad statistics and learning to think critically about these influential numbers. "Damned Lies and Statistics" is essential reading for everyone who reads or listens to the news, for students, and for anyone who relies on statistical information to understand social problems. Joel Best bases his discussion on a wide assortment of intriguing contemporary issues that have garnered much recent media attention, including abortion, cyberporn, homelessness, the Million Man March, teen suicide, the U.S. census, and much more. Using examples from the "New York Times", the "Washington Post", and other major newspapers and television programs, he unravels many fascinating examples of the use, misuse, and abuse of statistical information. In this book Best shows us exactly how and why bad statistics emerge, spread, and come to shape policy debates. He recommends specific ways to detect bad statistics, and shows how to think more critically about 'stat wars', or disputes over social statistics among various experts. Understanding this book does not require sophisticated mathematical knowledge; Best discusses the most basic and most easily understood forms of statistics, such as percentages, averages, and rates. This accessible book provides an alternative to either naively accepting the statistics we hear or cynically assuming that all numbers are meaningless. It shows how anyone can become a more intelligent, critical, and empowered consumer of the statistics that inundate both the social sciences and our media-saturated lives.

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