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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences

Alexander L George 作者
MIT Press
2005 出版日期
256 页数
GBP 39.95 价格
BCSIA Studies in International Security 丛书系列
9780262072571 图书编码

Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences 在线电子书 图书标签: 方法论  Methodology  政治学  研究方法  社会学  社会科学  Politics  Methods   

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too much unnecessary jargon. 不过做个早期阶段的guideline还是可以的。


写的很罗嗦。但是结构设置上比rethinking social inquiry要更适合做教材。主要谈process-tracing和typological theory在theory development的意义和操作原则。主要还是用的比较政治的例子。对一些因果机制和因果识别过程中的逻辑问题梳理的还算清楚。但看了赵鼎新的文章,又虚无了。。。


too much unnecessary jargon. 不过做个早期阶段的guideline还是可以的。



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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences 在线电子书 图书描述

The use of case studies to build and test theories in political science and the other social sciences has increased in recent years. Many scholars have argued that the social sciences rely too heavily on quantitative research and formal models and have attempted to develop and refine rigorous methods for using case studies. This text presents a comprehensive analysis of research methods using case studies and examines the place of case studies in social science methodology. It argues that case studies, statistical methods, and formal models are complementary rather than competitive. The book explains how to design case study research that will produce results useful to policymakers and emphasizes the importance of developing policy-relevant theories. It offers three major contributions to case study methodology: an emphasis on the importance of within-case analysis, a detailed discussion of process tracing, and development of the concept of typological theories. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences will be particularly useful to graduate students and scholars in social science methodology and the philosophy of science, as well as to those designing new research projects, and will contribute greatly to the broader debate about scientific methods.

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