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Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition

Lawrence C.H. Yim 作者
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
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Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition 在线电子书 图书标签: 钱谦益  诗歌  古典文学  明代  思想史  诗学/诗话  诗史  清代   

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Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition 在线电子书 著者简介

嚴志雄 美國耶魯大學博士(1998年),現任中央研究院中國文哲研究所助研究員,研究領域:明清文學。

Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition 在线电子书 图书目录

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Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition 在线电子书 图书描述

Qian Qianyi’s Theory of Shishi during the Ming-Qing Transition


This study explores Qian Qianyi’s (1582-1664) vision for the poetics of Ming loyalism: shishi, “poet-historian” or “poetry-history.” Qian’s theory of shishi synthesizes paramount values of Chinese historiographical and poetic traditions. Although he draws heavily on ancient intellectual and literary precursors, his purpose is not to restore the values of antiquity. Qian strives, rather, to demarcate a poetic space for Ming loyalism, a space and value Qian no doubt desires to share with the Ming loyalists; and to devise, for this line of writing, a hermeneutic strategy for his contemporaries and posterity. We will expose elements of this theory in a close reading of an important essay that Qian wrote in 1656, “Hu Zhiguo shi xu” (Preface to Hu Zhiguo’s Poetry), and an examination of related literary, cultural and historical contexts. Despite its brevity, this essay is of great significance, critically and polemically, in the contexts of Ming poetics and the Ming-Qing dynastic transition. More specifically, it not only reflects the general literary temperament of the Ming remnants, but it also provides a critical apparatus with which to approach the kind of poetry Qian himself labored over in his later years, which became his most celebrated.

We argue that Qian’s essay can be seen as targeted at the Ming loyalists and their sympathizers, in their day and in the future. A promise to the loyalists and a guide to posterity, the message can be interpreted on three levels. First, it issues an assurance: Qian assures the Ming loyalists that posterity will remember them, through their writings, just as the Ming people remember the Song loyalists. It is meant to impress on every loyalist the urgent necessity to record. Second, there is a summons: Qian urges the Ming loyalists to write shishi, the most effective record of their times. Third, Qian offers a reading strategy for posterity: read between the lines to flesh out the Ming loyalists’ intent as embodied in those “subtle words.” For the loyalists, Qian’s promise is an immortality secured by writing a particular kind of verse, in a time when the loyalists were marginalized and had no authority except in the realm of literature. The writing of “Hu Zhiguo shi xu” might be an act of self-redemption on Qian’s part, too. Qian knew if he could inscribe his own name on the monument of the loyalists, posterity would form a more favorable impression of him, and save him from the disgrace he had to bear in his mortal life.

Keywords: Qian Qianyi poetics of Ming loyalism “Hu Zhiguo shi xu” shishi Ming-Qing transition



本文探論錢謙益 (1582-1664) 於明亡以後所倡之「詩史」說,剖析此一詩歌美學體系與明遺民情境之關係。錢氏詩史說之一大特色,端在結合中國史學傳統之褒貶觀與詩學傳統之美刺觀而為明遺民詩學點撥出一種「微言」式的修辭與喻意策略。就創作言,此一語言策略容許了抒情主體在詩篇中寄託一己之情思與乎經驗,亦賦予了載體在歷史記憶、政治及社會批評上重要的使命及功能。就詮釋言,具有詩史性格的詩篇要求讀者積極挖掘詩人於字裡行間所寄寓之情志與「大義」。本文將環繞錢謙益順治十三年 (1656) 所撰〈胡致果詩序〉一文展開論述,探究詩史與中國傳統史學、經學、詩學之關係,追蹤詩史在唐代、宋代、宋元之際及明代所歷經的發展,最後聚焦於明清易鼎之際的歷史、政治情勢及明遺民詩人的創作特色與集體訴求。錢氏〈胡致果詩序〉一文篇幅雖不長,卻是探論明遺民詩學與情境的重要文獻,藉之並可進窺錢氏晚年所作詩文的企圖與成就。


關鍵詞:錢謙益 明遺民詩學 〈胡致果詩序〉 詩史 明清之際

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