Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems

Stefan Thurner 作者
Oxford University Press
2018-12-4 出版日期
448 頁數
0 價格
9780198821939 圖書編碼

Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 復雜係統  complexity  英文原版  科學   

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Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 用戶評價


為瞭寫作搜集資料衝動購物,然後為瞭不白花這60刀,硬著頭皮看完瞭……第1、3、6章可能因為是作者物理本行的緣故,寫得很透徹。數學總體上比較平緩,但第6章引入作者自己的generalized entropy之後突然陡峭起來,我也就順理成章地放飛自我不細看瞭。以前基本不瞭解這領域,感覺能用一套概念框架把這些東西裝起來,還是很好的一本教科書,雖然,可能即使對研究者而言,也並沒有什麼卵用……


Chapter 6 is skipped, and seems to be very important to learn in future to learn about the generalization of entropy.


為瞭寫作搜集資料衝動購物,然後為瞭不白花這60刀,硬著頭皮看完瞭……第1、3、6章可能因為是作者物理本行的緣故,寫得很透徹。數學總體上比較平緩,但第6章引入作者自己的generalized entropy之後突然陡峭起來,我也就順理成章地放飛自我不細看瞭。以前基本不瞭解這領域,感覺能用一套概念框架把這些東西裝起來,還是很好的一本教科書,雖然,可能即使對研究者而言,也並沒有什麼卵用……


Chapter 6 is skipped, and seems to be very important to learn in future to learn about the generalization of entropy.


Chapter 6 is skipped, and seems to be very important to learn in future to learn about the generalization of entropy.

Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 著者簡介

Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems 在線電子書 圖書描述

This book is a comprehensive introduction to quantitative approaches to complex adaptive systems. Practically all areas of life on this planet are constantly confronted with complex systems, be it ecosystems, societies, traffic, financial markets, opinion formation and spreading, or the internet and social media. Complex systems are systems composed of many elements that interact strongly with each other, which makes them extremely rich dynamical systems showing a huge range of phenomena. Properties of complex systems that are of particular importance are their efficiency, robustness, resilience, and proneness to collapse.

The quantitative tools and concepts needed to understand the co-evolutionary nature of networked systems and their properties are challenging. The book gives a self-contained introduction to these concepts, so that the reader will be equipped with a toolset that allows them to engage in the science of complex systems. Topics covered include random processes of path-dependent processes, co-evolutionary dynamics, dynamics of networks, the theory of scaling, and approaches from statistical mechanics and information theory. The book extends beyond the early classical literature in the field of complex systems and summarizes the methodological progress made over the past 20 years in a clear, structured, and comprehensive way.

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