I Can Make You Rich 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

I Can Make You Rich

Paul McKenna 作者
Bantam Press
2008-06-02 出版日期
304 頁數
131.00元 價格
9780593060513 圖書編碼

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I Can Make You Rich 在線電子書 圖書描述

Are you ready to become rich? If you've ever wondered why it is that some people find it easy to make money while others struggle, it's not because they are more intelligent, work harder or have better luck - it's simply because they think and act differently. Do you want to make more money? Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you believe you can be rich? What if it was easier than you think? Over the past decade, Paul McKenna PhD has made a unique study of the mindset of people rich not only in money but also in happiness and quality of life. In this groundbreaking new book, he makes use of proven psychological techniques to help you install that same rich mind-set inside yourself. Soon, you will be seeing the world in an entirely new way, thinking and living richer than ever before! In assembling this system he has had personal access to a number of the wealthiest people in the world including: Sir David Barclay, Sir Richard Branson, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Sir Philip Green, Peter Jones, Sol Kerzner, Dame Anita Roddick. What he's learned is that making money is just a skill - but becoming rich is an art. This book will help you to develop that skill while mastering the art of living with more freedom and greater passion than ever before. If you're ready to experience the same levels of creativity, confidence and business genius as the super achievers, the system in this book can make you truly rich!

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I Can Make You Rich 在線電子書 讀後感


上次逛書局發現了這本書, 本來對這種self-improvement類的書嗤之以鼻, 但最近真的很缺錢,所以被題目吸引過去... 翻了兩三頁,就完全不能自制地在站在哪裏看了一個小時... 這本書不僅僅講財富,這個rich,還代表内心的滿足, 也表示身體健康,等等其他方面。 因爲正如作者所...


上次逛書局發現了這本書, 本來對這種self-improvement類的書嗤之以鼻, 但最近真的很缺錢,所以被題目吸引過去... 翻了兩三頁,就完全不能自制地在站在哪裏看了一個小時... 這本書不僅僅講財富,這個rich,還代表内心的滿足, 也表示身體健康,等等其他方面。 因爲正如作者所...


上次逛書局發現了這本書, 本來對這種self-improvement類的書嗤之以鼻, 但最近真的很缺錢,所以被題目吸引過去... 翻了兩三頁,就完全不能自制地在站在哪裏看了一個小時... 這本書不僅僅講財富,這個rich,還代表内心的滿足, 也表示身體健康,等等其他方面。 因爲正如作者所...


上次逛書局發現了這本書, 本來對這種self-improvement類的書嗤之以鼻, 但最近真的很缺錢,所以被題目吸引過去... 翻了兩三頁,就完全不能自制地在站在哪裏看了一個小時... 這本書不僅僅講財富,這個rich,還代表内心的滿足, 也表示身體健康,等等其他方面。 因爲正如作者所...


上次逛書局發現了這本書, 本來對這種self-improvement類的書嗤之以鼻, 但最近真的很缺錢,所以被題目吸引過去... 翻了兩三頁,就完全不能自制地在站在哪裏看了一個小時... 這本書不僅僅講財富,這個rich,還代表内心的滿足, 也表示身體健康,等等其他方面。 因爲正如作者所...

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